Like every readout that preceded it, the
liquid-crystal display had some severe drawbacks. The earliest digital displays
were very crude, but when engineers wanted information as a number, as opposed
to a needle position on a scale, they had to devise some way to display numeric
digits. One of the earliest instrument displays, the columnar display, often
called the thermometer readout, had columns of 10 holes punched in a front panel
with a panel lamp behind each hole. A lamp selected in each column would
illuminate a number. That had two disadvantages. First, your eye often had to
shift up and down across columns to read a number. For example, to read 9284
your eye moved toward the top of the first column, then toward the bottom of the
second column, then up, then down again. The second disadvantage: A column of 10
holes demanded a rather tall front panel. In early vacuum-tube instruments,
crowded with lots of discrete components and a hefty power transformer, the
height wasn't always a problem. In one instrument, Hewlett-Packard reduced the
height somewhat by offsetting alternate numbers in a column. The 1 would be
above and slightly to the right of the 0, the 3 similarly offset above the 2,
and so on, to reduce panel height.
In time, a wide assortment of readouts
replaced the columnar display. Non-Linear Systems offered the world's first
commercial digital voltmeter in 1953. The display used stacks of 10 Lucite
plates, almost an inch deep, each bearing an engraved numeral and a tiny
edge-mounted panel lamp. When a lamp was selected, its numeral was clearly
visible from the front — but not from a sharp angle. That edge-lit display
offered one advantage over the columnar display:
It was left to Industrial Electronic
Engineers to develop the first in-plane display. It was a projection readout, in
which one of 10 tiny lamps would be selected to shine through one numeral on a
film with 10 numerals, projecting that numeral onto a front screen, often in
focus, making for an in-line, in-plane display.
Sylvania and Westinghouse offered
electroluminescent displays whose characters, numeric or alphanumeric, were not
only in-line and in-plane but integrated in a panel with desired legends. The
problem with those early EL displays was that one could maximize brightness and
contrast by increasing voltage and frequency, which, unfortunately, decreased
display life. So it was not uncommon for engineers in a lab, after perhaps
several hundred hours, to place a cardboard light shield around an instrument's
EL display to boost contrast. Later, they might dim the lab lights.
A Japanese company, Ise Electronics, sold vacuum-tube
fluorescent-segment displays (VFD), mostly used in Japanese desktop
At one point, RCA, with its fondness for
vacuum tubes, introduced an incandescent seven-filament display, the Numitron,
in a vacuum-tube housing. The filaments were arranged in a boxy figure 8, so
that selecting the right filaments could yield any digit. The 1 was not
centered, so there would be an awkward space in front of it and it would hug the
following numeral. Nevertheless, this was indeed an in-line, in-plane display.
But eventually the filaments sagged, so horizontal bars, which were illuminated
in all numerals except 1, seemed to call for an uplift.
So each display had merits and drawbacks and
they competed in the marketplace, sometimes on largely subjective grounds. For
example, some people objected to the boxlike numerals on seven-bar displays.
Then along came the Burroughs readout. It
used gas-discharge tubes called Nixies. These tubes, invented by two Haydu
brothers, who sold their company to Burroughs, had a stack of formed-wire
numerals, each on an almost invisible supporting structure. A selected numeral
would shine with a neon glow.
The Nixie had a different drawback. To
extend life, it required a drop of mercury and that kept it off submarines and
other confined applications where mercury vapors were considered hazardous.
LED display had a
modest beginning with Monsanto's MAN-1A (for Monsanto
alphanumeric). This was a seven-segment numeric display comprising 14 discrete
gallium arsenide phosphide chips mounted on a substrate, two chips to a segment.
The alphanumeric designation was a bit optimistic because it was based on the
fact that several numerics looked like alpha characters. For example, the 5
could be used as an S and a zero could be construed as the letter O.
Then Hewlett-Packard
introduced a truly alphanumeric LED display: a 5 x 7 matrix made up of 28 dots
with an on-board binary-coded-decimal decoder-driver. Both Monsanto and HP were
merchant suppliers of LED displays and both produced test equipment with LED
LED displays began invading territory that
was almost the private property of the Burroughs Nixie. Then came the explosion:
calculators, especially hand-held battery-operated calculators in the early
1970s. LED displays were now a really serious business, driven at first by
calculators, then by digital wristwatches. So it wasn't long before many
semiconductor manufacturers joined the fray, including Texas Instruments,
Motorola, Fairchild, National
Semiconductor and a Monsanto spin-off, Litronix
(which was later acquired by Siemens).
Many semiconductor companies, worshipping
the concept of vertical integration, started manufacturing calculators, then
wristwatches. Watch manufacturers warned that this was a jewelry business, a
business in which the semiconductor companies had a vast supply of ignorance.
The semi companies brushed aside those quibbles, then almost drowned in red ink.
That laboratory fathered many of the
industry's breakthroughs, including the MOS FET, CMOS, thin-film transistors,
silicon on insulator and the liquid-crystal
The parent of the liquid-crystal display,
Richard Williams, was a physical chemist and, like others at RCA, his dream may
have focused on wall-mount television. But one starts small. In fact, liquid
crystals were discovered as far back as 1888, but it was Williams who created a
display-a thin layer of between two glass plates with transparent conductive
coatings on their inner faces. He filed a patent, "Electro-Optical Elements
Utilizing an Organic Nematic Compound," in 1962 and his seminal articles on
nematic (threadlike) liquid crystals appeared in 1963 in The Journal of Chemical
Physics and in Nature.
Developing that seminal display took a lot
of work to find organic materials that would refract light under different
temperature conditions and with satisfactory response times when a voltage was
applied to the conductive coatings. Most work on liquid crystals took place at
pharmaceutical companies, mainly Merck and Hoffman LaRoche, not at electronics
A co-worker at RCA Labs, George Heilmeier,
put together a group to develop Williams' work further. By the fall of 1964,
Heilmeier's group had developed rudimentary displays that could change color
with applied voltage. Most important, power consumption was minuscule, a
microwatt per square centimeter. The wall-sized, flat-panel color TV, Heilmeier
mused, was just around the corner.
The flat-panel color TV did not appear just
yet. But after lots of toil with different liquid crystals, Heilmeier's group
found materials with a turbulent property they dubbed dynamic scattering. An
applied voltage would change the appearance from transparent to a
light-scattering milky white.
From that point, it was no longer a giant
step to deposit a layer of conductive film with images or characters and with
conductors going to the outside world so that individual characters or segments
of a numeric or alphanumeric display could be selected. Here was a new business
for RCA (and for spin-offs like Optel and others) and perhaps one small step
toward that wall-panel TV.
LCD was a dramatic display, unlike any other. It had a powerful advantage: It
consumed almost no power, so it was ideal for applications like handheld digital
watches and calculators. (In May 1973, Japan's Sharp
Corp. released the EL-805, the
first handheld calculator with an LCD display. Battery consumption, said Sharp,
was cut to 1/100th of that in earlier calculators.)
Of course, the LCD had an ample supply of
detractors. Its limitations, they pointed out, were many and perhaps fatal.
Unlike any previous display, it generated no light; it merely refracted ambient
light so it could not be seen in the dark. (Perhaps overlooked was the fact that
most people do not look at displays in the dark.) Further, the display failed
and often died if it was subjected to cold. And it was slow. One could observe
the slow transition from one number to another when the voltage applied to a DVM
was changed.
Further developments improved the LCD so
that its drawbacks were eliminated. In digital watches, it replaced power-hungry
LEDs. And it replaced almost all other displays in battery-operated appliances.
As to the future, consider this. Whoever
heard of a laptop-computer display in the 1970s and 1980s?
Reprinted from EETIMES with written permission of the author George Rostky.
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© Joerg Woerner, October 21, 2002. No reprints without written permission.