Additional Pictures 


 The Equation Editor of the PLT SHH1 looks familiar to us. Please notice the
high resolution of the LCD screen.

Most Applications of the Main Menu lead to simple screen 
not accepting input data.

The backside of this rare Engineering Sample gives some important information:
Model No: PLT - SHH1, © 2002, Made in Taiwan, CPU: POMAP1509E. 

The cover of the PLT SHH1 with integrated Stylus holder.

The LI-ion battery of the PLT SHH1 gives a list of related

The internal construction of this Graphing calculator is dominated by the huge LCD screen.

The display module makes use of just two integrated display drivers for the rows resp. columns.
The IN-xxxxx part numbers may indicate Inventec as manufacturer of the Engineering Sample.

Disassembling the PLT SHH1 is pretty simple due to solid connectors and some screws.
Please notice the pictogram for an additional, serial memory card near the battery contacts.

The backside of the Main-PCB (printed circuit board) with three major Integrated Circuits:
Hynix HY57V281620A:  8M * 16bits  CMOS SDRAM
Fujitsu 29LV400TC:  256k * 16bits CMOS FLASH-ROM
Philips CA4885:  unknown (probably power supply)

The front-side of the Main-PCB with the POMAP1509E dual-core processor of the Texas Instruments OMAP™ family.
It is supported by a Toshiba TC58V64A  8M * 8bits CMOS NAND EEPROM and some power supply components.
The huge connector below the OMAP™ matches with a standard SD Memory Card.

horizontal rule

If you have additions to the above article please email:

© Joerg Woerner, February 7, 2007. No reprints without written permission.