Additional Pictures 


This Lloyd's Accumatic 30  (Model EH-9036, Version 255G) was manufactured in September 1975 in Japan.

The Lloyd's Accumatic 30 is powered by four disposable 1.5 Volt batteries.

The Lloyd's Accumatic 30 (Model EH-9036, Version 255G) calculator with the frontside of its housing removed.

The printed circuit board (PCB) of the Lloyd's Accumatic 30 (Model EH-9036, Version 255G) is centered
around a NEC µPD940 single-chip calculator circuit.

Close-up view of the NEC µPD940 single-chip calculator circuit.

Close-up view of the FUTABA 9-CT-08 Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD).

Front- and backside of the keyboard assembly of the Lloyd's Accumatic 30 (Model EH-9036, Version 255G) calculator.

Close-up view of the date code located on the GICO keyboard assembly.

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© Joerg Woerner, November 9, 2024. No reprints without written permission.