Make the Difference. Now!


Sein was born on March 2nd, 1999 in a rural area about 160 miles south of Nairobi, Kenya.

The CCF-Project “Naretoi Girl Child Project” tries to improve the living conditions of the poorest families in this region with different measures, for example education, health care and economical growth.We support Sein since August 2005 and learned from scratch about Africa, Kenya, Maasai and a Per Capita Income (PPP) of $1,200.

In March 2009 my wife Barbara had a very difficult question to answer: Hawaii or Tokyo? Just kidding, she still had a Northwest Airlines voucher and was thinking about a short summer vacation to retreat from the workload of attending a full-time College while running a six-person household.But from one moment to the other she decided: “It’s Kenya! I’ll visit Sein.”

Negotiations with CCF, applying for a visa and booking a flight – voila, July 4th Barbara departed for a 36 hours trip to Nairobi, the capital and largest city of Kenya. And a few days later she met Sein. And her siblings. And parents, aunts, uncles, teachers…

(Click one of the thumbnails to open a
new browser window with more pictures)


Give back! Help us to support Lisbeydy, Sein, Tenzin,
Noi, Brenda and Satta.


If you have additions to the above article please email:

© Joerg Woerner, August 21, 2009. No reprints without written permission.