Datamath Calculator Museum DCM-50A Playground DIL42 Adapter

Date of introduction:  July 14, 2024 Display technology:  n.a.
New price:   Display size:  n.a.
Size:  3.2" x 4.0" x 0.85"
 81 x 102 x 22 mm3
Weight:  2.9 ounces, 81 grams Serial No:  0001
Batteries:  n.a. Date of manufacture:  mth 07 year 2024
AC-Adapter:  n.a. Origin of manufacture:  USA
Precision:   Integrated circuits:  ZIF-42 Socket
Program steps:   Courtesy of:  Joerg Woerner

The Datamath Calculator Museum DCM-50A (PLAYGROUND) is based on the generic DCM-50A Platform to access most features of calculators and certain features of products other than calculators that are not covered by the scope of the DCM-50A (TMS0100, TMS0800, TMS1000, TMS1200 and TMS0900) and the DCM-50A (OTHERS) category. It consists on different printed circuit boards (PCBs) that can be stacked on top of the DCM-50A Platform:

DCM-50A (PLAYGROUND) FRAME: Plug-In Carrier to access all voltages and signals from the DCM-50A Platform
DCM-50A (PLAYGROUND) DIL42: Daughter Board with 42-pin ZIF Socket, Patch Field, Diode Matrices, Push Buttons, SPDT Switches and Pin-Modifiers
DCM-50A (PLAYGROUND) BB400: Daughter Board with Solderless Breadboard (400 connections), Push Buttons and SPDT Switches

To access all features of a Non-TI single-chip calculator circuit, the schematics and layout of the DCM-50A Playground DIL42 Adapter are providing accordingly:

42 Pin-Modifiers with 5 contacts, each: VSS, VDD, VGG, Pin, Pin
Patch Field for all DCM-50A Platform Signals provided by DCM-50A PG Frame
2 LEDs to signal VDD and VGG voltages
2 SPDT Switches with Center-off positions
2 Push Buttons with Jumpers for VSS, VDD and VGG
2 Diode-Matrices with 4 diodes, each and Jumpers for different configurations
12 Diode "Wired Or" arrangement for Digit Outputs with selectable Pull-down voltage

Please notice that the DCM-50A PG DIL42 Adapter needs to be soldered on top of the DCM-50A PG Frame Carrier.

DCM-50A (PLAYGROUND) KBD123: 12x3 Switch Matrix Keyboard with Patch Field for Selector Switches with Diode Matrix

horizontal rule

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© Joerg Woerner, October 2, 2024. No reprints without written permission.