Update History of the Datamath Calculator Museum

January 15, 2025

TMS0600 Product Family including Applications Information added.

TMS0601, TMS0602, TMS0603, TMS0604, TMC0605, and TMS0611 Characterized with DCM-50A (TMS0100).

Brother Model 827R (Version 1), Model 827R (Version 2), Craig Model 4511, Craig Model 4518, Dittel TMP608, Kovac LE-808MR, MBO de Luxe I and Royal Model 90K (UA120)  added.

Additional pictures: Canon LE-81M, SR-11 (Version 2), TI-2550 (Version 2).

Calculator Logic Implementation of NEC Calculator Integrated Circuits µPD941 and µPD943 added.


January 2, 2025

DCM-50A (PLAYGROUND) KBD123 for DCM-50A (PLAYGROUND) added to Characterize even more single-chip calculator circuits.

November 27, 2024

DCM-50A (PLAYGROUND) with PG BB400 Adapter, PG DIL42 Adapter, PG FRAME Adapter and TMS1270 Adapter added to Characterize even more single-chip calculator circuits.

Datasheets of Hitachi HD3633, Hitachi HD36290, NEC µPD940 and Sharp LI2002 with Calculator Logic Implementation and Applications Information added.

Quick-Links for Hitachi Calculator Integrated Circuits, NEC Calculator Integrated Circuits and Sharp Calculator Integrated Circuits added.

Die Photos of HD3633, HD36290, LI2002 and µPD940 (Courtesy of Sean Riddle) added.

Lloyd's Accumatic 30 (Model EH-9036, Type 255), Accumatic 30 (Model EH-9036, Type 255B), Accumatic 30 (Model EH-9036, Type 255C), Accumatic 30 (Model EH-9036, Type 255D), Accumatic 30 (Model EH-9036, Type 255G), Accumatic 30 (Model EH-9036-2, Type 255E), Accumatic 30 (Model EH-9036, Type 260D Hitachi),  Accumatic 30 (Model EH-9036, Type 260D NEC) added.


October 11, 2024

TMS0830 Product Family and TMS0850 Product Family including Applications Information added.

Bowmar BD5026, Texas Instruments IFC1 and IFC 2 with Applications Information added. ROHM LAB-B-2/9 added.

Digit Driver Chips Signature added.

TMS0801, TMS0803, TMC0805, TMC0806, TMS0807, TMS0833, TMS0851, TMS0852 and TMS0855 Characterized with DCM-50A (TMS0800).

DCM-50A Sidekick with TMS0800 ROM Recorder Software for DCM-50A (TMS0800) added to Reverse-engineer TMS0800/TMS0830/TMS0850 single-chip calculator circuits. ROM Images of all known TMS08X0 chips added:
TMS0800: TMS0801 (Canon LE-84), TMS0803 (TI-2550-II), TMC0805 (Sinclair Scientific), TMC0806 (Exactra 19), TMS0807 (Canon LE-85)
TMS0830: TMS0833 (MBO Expert)
TMS0850: TMS0851 (Sovrin Model 128), TMS0852 (TI-150), TMS0855 (Canon LD-80)

Die Photos of IFC1, IFC2 and TMS0855 (Courtesy of Sean Riddle) added.

Bowmar MX-20 (Version 2), MX25 (Version 1), Canon LE-83 (Version 2), LE-83 (Version 3), LE-84 (Version 2), LE-84 (Version 3), Commodore 885D, Privileg 804D, Sovrin Model 128  TI-150 (Prototype) added.

Additional pictures: Canon LD-80, LD-80 Panther D, LE-83 (Version 1), LE-83 Panther, LE-84 (Version 1), LE-85, Homeland 8011, MBO Expert, Melcor Model 1000, Sinclair Scientific, Exactra 19, TI-150, TI-2500-II.


September 21, 2024

Ode to SR-50. And more about TMC0500 Calculator Chips that brought us the immortal TI-59

Printing with the SR-51/SR-51A? and SR-51 (Engineering Sample) added.

Additional pictures: PC-100, SR-51 (Second Design).

Radio Shack EC-423, Technico SB-806M, Technico SB-847, UNIVERSAL Computer, TI-108 (2010), TI-808 (Third Design), TI-1105 (Second Design, Turquoise) added.

Additional pictures: TI-1722+ CLEAR CALC.


September 2, 2024

Fellow collector Rohit Menon shared with the Datamath Calculator Museum his rare Save & Learn Bank Educational Toy. Thanks.


August 2, 2024

Texas Instruments maintains a rainbow of colors for the Back-to-School 2024 season.
It all started with the TI-83 Plus Cool Blue for Back-to-School 2001.

TI-30XS MultiView (Pink, Underwood Distributing Co.) added. Thanks, Jake!


May 1, 2024

TMS3878 Five Decade Counter with Applications Information for TMS3707 added.

TMS3707 Five Decade Counter Characterized with DCM-50A (OTHERS).

Die Photo (Courtesy of Sean Riddle) and Topology of TMS3707 added.

MOS Numbering System of early Texas Instruments Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor (MOS) Chips added.


April 14, 2024

TMS0640 Printer Chip with Applications Information for TMS0641 added.

Various single-chip calculator circuits Characterized with DCM-50A (TMS0100):
TMS0121: Olympia CD101
TMC0138: Canon Pocketronic II

Olympia CD101 added.

Additional pictures: Canon Pocketronic II.


March 30, 2024

We took over Spring Break 2024 a "Python Crash Course (A Hands-on, Project-based Introduction to Programming by Eric Matthes)" and developed as first projects a Disassembler for both SR-56 Key Codes and TI-58/TI-58C/TI-59 Key Codes and started providing Key Code Program Listings of selected Solid State Software Modules.

Key Code Program Listings of TMC0538 (SR-56), TMC0582/TMC0583 (TI-58, TI-59) and CD2400/CD2401 (TI-58C) added.


February 18, 2024

TI-30X Prio MathPrint added.


February 11, 2024

Die Photos of TMS0975A, TMS0975B and TMS0975C and Output Decoder PLA (Courtesy of Sean Riddle) to Little Professor (Version A) added.

Die Photos of National Semiconductor 310-935-14 (Courtesy of Sean Riddle) to Regency ACT-T16K added.

Die Photos of SN96912, SN99253, TP0335 (Courtesy of Sean Riddle) to Texas Instruments Calculator ICs (Integrated Circuits) added.


January 15, 2024

Ode to SR-50. How Hewlett-Packard's HP-35 shaped the TMC0500 Calculator Chips that brought us the immortal TI-59

DCM-0500 (Platform) with TMC0501/TMC0501E Emulator, TMS0500 ROM Platform, TMC0540 SSSM Adapter, TMS0500 8-Channel Serial Data Recorder, TMS0500 8-Channel Serial Data Recorder Pro and TMS0500 8-Channel Serial Data Recorder 128-Bit Module allowing Reverse-engineering of Calculators based on the TMS0500 Building Blocks for Scientific and Programmable Calculators and Recording of ROM Images of the Integrated Circuits (ICs) used with these calculators added.

Story Birth of DCM-0500 Platform added.

Recorded ROM Images: Instruction ROM and Constant ROM of SR-50, SR-51, SR-52 added to TMC0520, SR-50A, SR-51A, SR-52A, SR-56 added to TMC0530, SR-51-II, TI-58C, TI-59 added to TMC0580. Instruction ROM of PC-100, SR-52, TI-58C, TI-59 added to TMC0560. Key Code ROM of 25 different Solid State Software Modules™ added to TMC0540.

Disassembled Key Code ROM of SR-56 "Special Functions" added to TMC0530

Applications Information for SN97227, TMC0520, TMC0530, TMC0540, TMC0560, TMC0580, SN97211 added.

Hardware Architecture of Texas Instruments' Electronic Calculators added.

HP-21, HP-31E, HP-32E, HP-45, HP-55, HP-70, HP-80, SR-50 (Version 1), SR-51A (Version 2), SR-56 (Pre-Launch) added.

Additional pictures: Hewlett-Packard HP-35, SR-50 (Version 2), SR-50A (Version 1), SR-50A (Version 1), SR-51A (Version 1),  SR-51-II , SR-56, SR-56 Programmable, TI-58 Lloyd.


December 3, 2023

TMS0970/TMC0900 Product Family added.

TMS0900 Adapter for DCM-50A (TMS0900) added to Characterize TMS0970/TMC0900 single-chip calculator circuits:
TMS0972: TI-1200 (Version 3), TI-1250 (Version 4)
TMS0973: Electra Bearcat 210 Computer Radio Scanner (Thanks, Lex)
TMS0974: TI-1270
TMS0975: Little Professor (1976 Version A), Little Professor (1976 Version B), Little Professor (1976 Version C), Little Professor (1976 Version XC)

Die Photo of TMS0973 (Courtesy of Sean Riddle) added.

TMS1100 Product Family added.

TMS1116: Regency ACT-T16K Computer Radio Scanner (Thanks, Lex) added.

Sharp EL-204 (Thanks, Ken) added.


August 21, 2023

Update for the Back-to-School 2023 season. TI-30X IIS (Lime-green), TI-30X IIS (Orange) and TI-84 Plus (White) added.


August 4, 2023

Texas Instruments maintains a rainbow of colors for the Back-to-School 2023 season.
It all started with the TI-83 Plus Cool Blue for Back-to-School 2001.

Micro Cooking Aides MicroManager, Unitrex Model 1000, Little Professor Solar (2020), TI-30X IIS (Target 2021), TI-36X Pro (Version 2) and TI-84 Plus CE Python added.

OEM Design SD9: Small Desktop Calculator Type 9

Royal DT 80 (Version 1) and Unisonic XL-1110 added.

Additional pictures: TI-1795 (1985).

PCB-Marks of Scientific Calculator manufactured by Kinpo Electronics for Texas Instruments added.


March 25, 2023

TMS1875 single-chip calculator circuit added and demystified.
Special Thanks to Chuck Penson / WA7ZZE for providing a myriad of information about Heath Company and their wonderful Heathkit products!

Various single-chip calculator circuits Characterized with DCM-50A (TMS0100):
TMS1875: Heathkit IC-2008
TMS0101: Heathkit IC-2008A

Beckman / Sperry SP-350 and SP-750 Series Multi-Digit Panaplex II Display added.

Heathkit IC-2100 added.

Additional pictures: Heathkit IC-2006 and IC-2009.


February 19, 2023

TMS1040 and TMS1070 Product Family added.

TMS1040 Adapter for DCM-50A (TMS1000) added to Characterize TMS1040 single-chip calculator circuits:
TMS1042: Canon LD-8s, LD-8Ms, LD-8Rs, Sharp EL-8117K
TMS1043: TI-2550 III (Version 1), TI-2550 III (Version 2)
TMS1044: Bohsei Model 1000, Brinlock Model 806, Privileg 858 MD, Unisonic Model 1040-1
TMS1045: Canon F-31, Canola L813, Canola L813 II, Toshiba BC-8018B (Version 2), BC-8111B, BC-8112SL, Homeland 8109

Digit Blank Adapter for DCM-50A (Platform) added to Characterize TMS1070 single-chip calculator circuits:
TMS1071: Privileg 861 MD, TI-2550 II
TMC1073: Toshiba BC-1015, TI-5100 (Version 1), TI-5100 (Version 2), TI-5100 (Version 3), TI-5100 (Europe)
TMC1079: Canon MD-8
TMS1081: Panasonic JE-170U, JE-1604U

Various single-chip calculator circuits added and Characterized:
Mostek MK5020A: Heathkit IC-2006
AMI S2144: Melcor Model 1000

Canon Canola L1011, M-10 II, TI-1104 (Magenta), TI-1706, TI-1783 (Thanks, Riccardo) added.

Additional pictures: Canon Canola L-3, Canola L1010, Toshiba BC-8018, BC-8018B (Version 1), BC-8111, TI-1106.


November 25, 2022

Fellow collector Fabrizio Corpetti shared with the Datamath Calculator Museum his rare Koh-I-Noor model 45 and TI-1757. Thanks.


November 6, 2022

1972-2022 Fifty Years... Texas Instruments Datamath & DCM-50A

Datamath Calculator Museum DCM-50A (Platform) added.

DCM-50A (TMS0100) with TMS0103 / Bowmar 901B, DCM-50A (TMS0800) with TMS0855 / Canon LD-80 and DCM-50A (TMS1000) with TMS1001 / SR-16 added.


September 9, 2022

Fellow collector Ken H. Meine shared with the Datamath Calculator Museum his rare Bowmar MX20 and MBO Expert. Thanks.


August 29, 2022 Texas Instruments maintains a rainbow of colors for the Back-to-School 2022 season.
It all started with the TI-83 Plus Cool Blue for Back-to-School 2001.


June 18, 2022

New Leaflets, Bulletins and Product Manuals added.


March 20, 2022

SR-10/SR-11/SR-16 Section completed with detailed reverse engineering of SR-10, TMS0120 Single-Chip Calculator Circuit, SR-11 and TI-2550, TMS0600 Single-Chip Calculator Circuit, DIS115E, DIS115F Twelve-Digit display modules and DIS134C Nine-Digit display module. Die Photos of TMS0600, TMS0700 and TMS0800 (Courtesy of John McMaster, Mikhail Svarichevsky and Sean Riddle) added. Reference to Ken Shirriff's TMS0800 JavaScript Simulator added.

Montgomery Ward P200 (Version 2), P300 (Version 2), Sinclair Scientific, SR-10 (Version 1, Display 2), SR-11 (Version 1), SR-11 (Italy), TI-2550 (Version 1, Display 2), TI-2550 (Version 1, Display 3), TI-2550 (Version 2) and TI-2550 (Italy) added.

Additional pictures: Canon LE-81M, Montgomery Ward P200 (Version 1), P300 (Version 1), Radio Shack EC-425, SR-10 (Version 1), SR-10 (Version 2), SR-10 (Version 3), SR-11 (Version 1, Display 2) and SR-11 (Version 2).


January 8, 2022

Fellow collector Geoffrey Wang shared with the Datamath Calculator Museum a picture from the internals of his broken Texas Instruments TI-30Xa Solar School Edition (Virgina 1st edition). Thanks.


October 31, 2021

1971-2021 Fifty Years... Texas Instruments TMS0100 & Bowmar 901B

Die Photo of TMS0100 (Courtesy of Mikhail Svarichevsky) to Texas Instruments Calculator ICs (Integrated Circuits) added.

Commodore Minuteman 2 (Version 1), Minuteman 2 (Version 2) and Minuteman 2SR added.

Additional pictures: Bowmar 901B, Commodore C110, Minuteman 1, Craig Model 4501, Longines Symphonette Electronic Calculator (Version 1), Electronic Calculator (Version 2), Montgomery Ward P800, Radio Shack EC-100 (Version 1), EC-100 (Version 2) and EC-200.


October 17, 2021

Detailed specifications of TIL360 and TIL370 to Texas Instruments Displays added. Detailed specifications of TMS3834 added.

Additional pictures: TI-70.


August 29, 2021 Texas Instruments maintains a rainbow of colors for the Back-to-School 2021 season.
It all started with the TI-83 Plus Cool Blue for Back-to-School 2001.


July 11, 2021

Die Photos of SN27882, SN75491, SN75492, TMC0501 (Rev. E), TMC0537, TMC0538, TMS0950 and TMS0970 (Courtesy of Sean Riddle) to Texas Instruments Calculator ICs (Integrated Circuits) added.


July 7, 2021

TI-1200/TI-1250 Section completed with detailed overview of TI-1200 Product Labels, TI-1250 Product Labels, TI-1200 Hardware, TI-1250 Hardware and TMS0950/TMS0970 Single-Chip Calculator Circuits. Die Photos Courtesy of Sean Riddle.

TI-1200 (Version 1), TI-1200 (Version 2), TI-1200 (Version 3, Style 3), TI-1200 (Version 3, Style 4B), TI-1200 (Version 4), TI-1200 (Repair Label), TI-1200 (Hong Kong), TI-1250 (Version 1), TI-1250 (Version 2), TI-1250 (Version 2, Cost Reduction), TI-1250 (Version 3, Style 4B), TI-1250 (Version 4), TI-1250 (Repair Label), TI-1250 (Hong Kong), TI-1270 (Italy) and Western Auto M4988 (Version 2) added.

Additional pictures: Reactor TI-1265, True Value T-1220, T-1225, Western Auto M4986 (Version 1), M4986 (Version 2), M4986 (Version 3), M4987 (Version 4), M4988 (Version 1), Zayre CONCEPT I, CONCEPT II, TI-1205, TI-1255 (Prototype), TI-1255, TI-1265, TI-1270, TI-1450, ABLE, LADY 1200, Spirit of '76.

Additional pictures: Western Auto 66-4986-7 (Citation), 66-4987-5 (Citation), 66-4988-3 (Citation).


May 3, 2021

TMS0200 Building Blocks for Desktop Calculators with detailed specifications of TMS0200, TMS0220, TMC0250, TMC0300 and TMC0400 added.

TMC0500 Building Blocks for Scientific and Programmable Calculators with detailed specifications of TMC0501, TMC0501E, TMC0520, TMC0530, TMC0540, TMC0560, TMC0580, TMC0590, TMC0594, TMC0595, TMC0596, TMC0598, TMC0599, SN27882, SN97211, TP0190N and TP0240 added.

Specifications of single-chip calculator circuits TMC0260, TMC0270, TMC0920, TMC1980 and TMC1990 added.

Die Photos Courtesy of Sean Riddle. Thanks to the ongoing support from Jon Guidry and Ken Shirriff.


April 27, 2021

SR-10 (Rebuilt), TI-58C (1st design), TI-58C IMCO MudMod, TI-503SV (1998), TI-1750-II and TI-Nspire CX II-T CAS added.

Additional pictures: SR-16, SR-16-II, TI-57, TI-58 LVM, TI-58C Pool Water Analysis, TI-59 IMCO DrilMod, TI-73 VSC (Engineering Sample), TI-501, TI-1000 (1977), TI-1000 (1978), DataMan, Little Professor (1978), Little Professor (1980), Math Marvel, Spelling B (1978) and Spelling B (1980).


January 30, 2021

Project X - The Keystroke Programmable Calculator that couldn't be.

Focus: TI Programmable 88 and the Market of Programmable Pocket Calculators and Computers in the early Eighties.

Detailed analysis of the Hardware Architecture of the TI-88 including Block Diagram & Schematics and overview of the twelve known TI-88 Versions. TI-88 (DVT 1), CROM Module (DVT 1), CRAM Module (DVT 1), TI-88 (PVT 3), TI-88 (DVT 3), TI-88 (DVT 3 Clear-Case), TI-88 (PVT 1), TI-88 (PVT 1 Firmware Engineering Device), CA-800 (DVT Clear-Case) added.
Hi-Res Images and Die Photos (Courtesy of Sean Riddle) of the Integrated Circuits used with the TI-88 added: SN77203, TP0485, TP0530, TP0531, TP0532.

Casio FX-501P, FX-502P, FX-702P, FA-2, FP-10, Hewlett Packard HP-41C, HP-75C, Panasonic HHC RL-1400, RL-P1004A, Sharp EL-5100, PC-1210, PC-1211, PC-1401, PC-1500A, Compact Computer 40 Plus (DVT), Compact Computer 40 Plus (PVT), Compact Computer 70, Solid State Software Cartridges PLOT DEMO and STATISTICS for Compact Computer 40 (2k Prototype) added.

Additional pictures: Hewlett Packard HP-41CV, HP-65, HP-67, Compact Computer 40 (2k Prototype).


January 28, 2021

Die Photos (Courtesy of Sean Riddle) to Texas Instruments Calculator ICs (Integrated Circuits) added. RAM-size of Enhanced CMOS calculator chips added (Courtesy of Ken Shirriff) and TMS1000 Overview completed.

Specifications of single-chip calculator circuits TP0310, TP0320, TP0455, TP0456, TP0458 added.


January 12, 2021

Fellow collector Riccardo Faraoni shared with the Datamath Calculator Museum his rare TI-1783. Thanks.

Astro, Kosmos 1, Kosmos 1 Love Machine (new), Kosmos 2 added.


November 29, 2020

All versions of the TMS6100 appear to only have 128K Bits of content, regardless of rumors to the contrary.
Wikipedia is correct and we updated our Texas Instruments Speech IC overview and affected Speech Products accordingly.

Music-Star (Prototype), Speak & Spell (Spanish Voice Prototype), Speak & Spell (Version 3) added.

Additional pictures: Dotto Conta-Parla, le Calcul magique, Mathe-Fix, Music-Star, PASSPORT Flight Computer, Speak & Music (United Kingdom), Speak & Read (1986), Speak & Spell (Version 1), Speak & Spell (Japan), Speak & Spell Compact, Touch & Discover School Edition.

New Word Lists and Product Manuals added.


September 30, 2020

Fellow collector Ken H. Meine shared with the Datamath Calculator Museum his rare TI-1255. Thanks.


August 27, 2020

Hardware Architecture of TI’s Graphing Calculators

Focus: ViewScreen Calculators and ViewScreen Panels.

TI-73 Explorer VSC (2nd design), TI-81 VSC (2nd design), TI-82 Advanced, TI-83 (1st design), TI-83 (1999), TI-83 VSC (1st design), TI-83 Plus VSC (Early Prototype), TI-83 Plus VSC (Later Prototype), TI-83 Premium CE (Edition Python), TI-84 Plus CE (Marketing Sample), TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition EZ-Spot, TI-84 Plus S.E. VSC, TI-84 Plus T, TI-85 VSC (2nd design), TI-89 (Hardware Version 1), TI-92 Expanision ROM I-0396, TI-Collčge Plus (Prototype), TI-Lycée (Prototype), TI-Nspire CX CAS (Revision CR IV), TI-Nspire CX II, TI-Nspire CX II EZ-Spot, TI-Nspire CX II CAS, TI-Nspire Navigator Wireless Cradle (Prototype), TI-Nspire ViewScreen Panel, TI-Presenter, TI ViewScreen 82 (1993), TI ViewScreen 82 (1995), TI ViewScreen 82 (1999), TI ViewScreen 82 (2004), TI ViewScreen 85 (1994), TI ViewScreen 92 (1996), TI ViewScreen 92 (1997), TI ViewScreen 92 (1999) added.

Additional pictures: TI ViewScreen 82 (1996) and TI ViewScreen 85 (1997).


August 15, 2020 Texas Instruments maintains a rainbow of colors for the Back-to-School 2020 season.
It all started with the TI-83 Plus Cool Blue for Back-to-School 2001.

TI-30X IIS (Radical Red) and TI-84 Plus CE (Totally Teal) added.


May 20, 2020

Original Equipment Manufacturers

Technico F-1, F-800, LC-601, LC -74CK, LC-741CK, PD-2003, SB-867, SB-867 (OEM), SB-1027, SL-600, SL-656, SL-674CK, SL674CK (Olympia), SL-676CK and SL-881 added.

TI-10 (2006), TI-30 III (1984 Compal), TI-108 (Addison-Wesley), TI-108 (6th design), TI-808 (1st design), TI-1100 II (Prototype), TI-1706+ (Prototype), TI-1795SV (2003 Nam Tai), TI-1795SV (2016), TI-1798 (1991), BA-20 Profit Manager (1990), IMA LC 685S, LC 688, Kmart Corporation KMC 2000, NSC Novus Electronics NS220, Radio Shack EC-303, EC-318, Unisonic LC-7311BK, LC-7411G and LC 7463 added.

Additional pictures: €-1796 (Prototype), TI-10, TI-10 Profit Guide, TI-15 Explorer, TI-15 Explorer (2006), TI-18 SLR, TI-108 (1st design), TI-108 (2nd design), TI-608, TI-620, TI-1100, TI-1100 II (1st design), TI-1100 II (4th design), TI-1105 (1st design Turquoise), TI-1105 (1st design Dark blue ZOOM ), TI-1105 (2nd design), TI-1606, TI-1626, TI-1706 (3rd design), TI-1706+ (1st design), TI-1706+ (2nd design),TI-1746, TI-1754, TI-1755, TI-1755 SLR, TI-1756, TI-1757 II, TI-1766 II (1st design), TI-1766 II (2nd design), TI-1766 II (3rd design), TI-1766 III, TI-1775, TI-1775+, TI-1776, TI-1780, TI-1786, TI-1788, TI-1788 II, TI-1788 III, TI-1795SV (2000), TI-1795SV (2003 Kinpo), TI-1795SV (2006 Kinpo), TI-1795SV (2006 Nam Tai), TI-1796, TI-1796SV, TI-1797, TI-1798 (1986), TI-1798 (1990), TI-1798 (1991), TI-1800, TI-1895, TI-1895 II (1986), TI-1895 II (1990), TI-2130, TI-3400 EUROPA, TI-5018SV, TI-7200 (2nd design), TI-7350SV, BA-20 Profit Manager (1986), BA-20 Profit Manager (1992), BA-20 Profit Manager (2000), BA-20 Profit Manager (2002), BA-35 (1984), BA-II (1984), BA-II (1985), BA-III (Prototype), Business Card, Business Edge, Collegiate, Number Beat, Personal Banker, SC-10, New Specialties Apothecalc and UNIS SLR 80.

Ancestry Test:

Tear-down of TI-1755 SLR and Technico SL-674CK.

OEM Design SD9: Small Desktop Calculator Type 9

TI-508 (1989), TI-508 (1991), TI-508 PLUS, TI-1795 (1984), TI-1795 (1986), TI-1795 (1988), TI-1795+ (1992), TI-1795+ (Design Sample), TI-1795+ (1996 Cal-Comp), TI-1795+ (1998 Nam Tai), TI-1795+ (1998 Kinpo), TI-1796+ (1998),
Kmart Corporation KMC 100B, Privileg SOLAR 31, Radio Shack EC-2006A, EC-2008, Royal DT-80, Unisonic XL-1105 (Version 1) and XL-1105 (Version 2) reworked or added.


May 15, 2020

Fellow collector Lou Angelucci developed a Replacement-PCB (printed circuit board) for the BP7, BP8, and BP9 Battery Packs.


March 27, 2020

Aurora AC-22 PASSPORT, Bedol Checkbook Balancer, TI-1745 DataCard Time and TI-Nspire Navigator Wireless Cradle added.

Additional pictures: TI-150, TI-2000.


March 4, 2020

From Checkbook Calculators to Account Manager Computers

AccuBalance Corporation AccuBalance, Alco LC-127A, APF 3552CK, Arizona Digital Corporation CB82 Check Tronic, Aurora CB-900, Bedol Checkmaster Standard, Corvus CheckMaster,
Canon CB-8, Checkbook III, Checkbook Recorder, Casio CB-80, CB-100,
Datexx DB-403, DB-413, DC-80, Enterprex MC-2717, Hoffmann-La Roche FITNESS 3, IMA 130CBW,
National Semiconductor NS103, NS103A, NS107, NSC Novus Electronics 100A, 101A (1st design), 101A (2nd design), 103A,
Olivetti DII, Royal LCB-830, LCB 835, LCB 841, CBC 70, CBC 80NT, CBC 80, CBC 95, Royal/Olivetti CBC 80,
Radio Shack EC-306, EC-308, EC-430, EC-455, 65-504, 65-504A, Tandy EC-306,
Unisonic LC 224CK, LC 224CKE, LC 226CK, LC 262, LC 262CK, LC 263CK, LC 266CK,
TI-1880 Checkwriter, TI-2200 (Silver for Americas), TI-2200 (Silver for Europe), TI-2200 (Gold for Americas), TI-2200 II (Gold for Europe), TI-2200 II (Taiwan), TI-2200 II (Thailand), TI-2200+ reworked or added.

Overview of Account Manager Calculator Chips, Schematics (PDF) of NEC uPD1833G based OEM Calculator, Overview of PCB-Marks (Printed Circuit Board) of OEM Checkbook Calculators and OEM Design 308 Calculators added. 

Ken, Thanks again for sharing your exceptional calculator collection with the Datamath Calculator Museum.

Additional pictures: Canon F-32 and TI-1795+.

Dozens of Product Manuals of non-TI calculators added.


November 28, 2019

Compact Computer System CC-40, Peripherals and Modules completed.

We updated the Exhibition accordingly, featuring now:
CC-40 (Prototype), CC-40 (6k RAM), CC-40 (18k RAM), HX-1000 (Printer / Plotter), HX-1010 (Printer 80), HX-1100 (Video Interface), HX-2000 (Wafertape Digital Tape Drive), HX-3000 (RS-232 Interface), HX-3000/P (RS-232, Parallel Interface), HX-3100 (Data Modem), HX-5102 (Disk Drive / Controller), SS-1000, SS-1001, SS-2000, SS-3004, SS-3006, SS-3007, SS-3008, SS-3009, SS-3024, SS-4002, EPROM-8K and EPROM-16K.

TI-78P Prototype added.

Additional pictures: PC-324, TI-74 and TI-95.

Overview Thermal Paper added to TECHNOLOGY Navigation.

TMS7000 single-chip microcomputer family and TI Standard Symbolization for Integrated Circuits manufactured in a metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) process added.


October 14, 2019

TI Programmable 88, Peripherals and Modules completed.

We updated the Exhibition accordingly, featuring now:
TI-88 (DVT 2), TI-88 (EVT 1), TI-88 (PVT 1), TI-88 (PVT 2), TI-88 (PVT 4), CA-800 (PVT), PC-800 (EVT), PC-800 (PVT), CROM Modules and CRAM Modules.


August 20, 2019

Texas Instruments maintains a rainbow of colors for the Back-to-School 2019 season.


June 25, 2019

Aristo M 27 (1st design), Aristo M 27 (2nd design), Litronix Checkmate (2nd design), TI-30X Pro MathPrint and TI-Nspire CX EZ-Spot (2nd design) added.

Additional pictures: TI-Nspire CX.

New Leaflets and Product Manuals added.


March 8, 2019

Dallas (February 27, 2019)  „Jerry Merryman, Co-Inventor of the Pocket Calculator, Dies at 86"


February 24, 2019

TI-2500 Datamath Pre-Series (1st Production Run) added.

Additional pictures: Language Teacher, Language Translator and Language Tutor.


February 13, 2019

TI-32 Explorer Plus (1st design) and TI-307 (3rd design) added.

Additional pictures: Toshiba LC-1252, SR-51, TI-12 Math Explorer, TI-25 STAT, TI-25X Solar, TI-30X Solar, TI-31, TI-55, TI-1706+ (2nd design), TI-1767, TI-1889 and TI-2800 Paperless Printer.

SR-52 Database and SR-56 Datebase updated. Thanks for your contributions!

New Product Manuals added.


November 20, 2018

SR-10 Clear-Case Prototype and SR-51 Clear-Case Prototype added.

Additional pictures: Goulds Pumpulator, Exactra 23, TI-15, TI-307+, TI-503, TI-1105 (grey), TI-1785, TI-5018, TI-5018SV and TI-7100.

New Product Manuals added.


August 31, 2018

Xavier Andréani shared with the Datamath Calculator Museum his rare TI-Nspire / TI-Nspire CAS+ / TI-Nspire CAS Prototypes. Thanks.

We updated our story "Phoenix to TI-Nspire CAS: The Five Engineering Stages" accordingly, featuring now:
TI-Nspire+ (EVT 2), TI-Nspire (DVT 1.2), TI-Nspire (DVT 2.0 A), TI-Nspire (DVT 2.0 B) and TI-Nspire.
Phoenix 1 (EVT 1), TI-Nspire CAS+ (EVT 2), TI-Nspire CAS+ (DVT 1), TI-Nspire CAS+ (PVT 1), TI-Nspire CAS+ (PVT 1.1), TI-Nspire CAS (R2 DVT 1.2), TI-Nspire CAS (R2 DVT 2.0) and TI-Nspire CAS.


July 28, 2018

TI-30X Plus MathPrint added.

New Leaflets, Bulletins and Product Manuals added.


July 25, 2018 Texas Instruments maintains a rainbow of colors for the Back-to-School 2018 season.

Additional pictures: TI-30X IIS (Pink), TI-30X IIS (Blue) and TI-30X IIS (Lavender) added.


June 29, 2018

PS-5800 (Italian Version), TI-52 Prototype and TI-1001 (2nd design) added.

Additional pictures: Number Beat, TI-306 (2nd design) and TI-1746.


March 24, 2018

Michel Zwawiak shared with the Datamath Calculator Museum his rare BA-III Prototype. Thanks.

Additional pictures: Litronix Checkmate 1002.


January 5, 2018

Hand-Held Calculators in the Freshman Mathematics Classroom by Joan Leitzel and Bert Waits added.

Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope (1977) with overview of all Exactra LED Displays added.

Orbit Research ORION TI-84 Plus, Towa Sankiden V-001, Triumph-Adler SOLAR MINI, Exactra 21 (2nd design) added.

Additional pictures: I.D.E.A. Regency TR-1, TI-1105, Exactra 19, Exactra 20, Exactra 21 and Exactra 22.


January 1, 2018

Corvus 400 (1st design), Radio Shack EC-100 (2nd design), TI-108 (2004), TI-108 (2016), TI-503SV (2015) and TI-1706SV (2015) added.

Additional pictures: Radio Shack EC-4043, EC-5100, TI-108 (2000).

Various Databases updated: Calculator Chips, Datamath Version 1, Zayre Concept, SR-52, and SR-56.

Bill Figueroa shared with the Datamath Calculator Museum some valuable information about the SR-60A. Thanks..


August 4, 2017 Texas Instruments maintains a rainbow of colors for the Back-to-School 2017 season.

TI-30XS MultiView (Lime-green) added.


August 3, 2017

TI-83 Premium CE, TI-84 Plus CE, TI-84 Plus CE (Silver Linings), TI-84 Plus CE (True Blue), TI-84 Plus CE EZ-Spot and TI-84 Plus CE-T added.

June 18, 2017

Casio PRO fx-1, Hanimex SLC 891, MBO ALPHA 902, Olympia HIT 2000, Orbit Research ORION TI-34 (2nd design) and TI-36X added.

Additional pictures: Aristo M27, Canon F-71, Commodore N-60, TI-31 SOLAR (2nd design), TI-57, TI-1260, TI-2500 First Series.


June 11, 2017

New Leaflets, Bulletins and Product Manuals added.


January 1, 2017

Koh-I-Noor Hardtmuth Studio 29 (silver), Toshiba SLC-8200, TI-307 (2nd design) added.

Marie Lisa Collas shared with the Datamath Calculator Museum her TI-1757 II. Thanks.

Additional pictures: Canon F-55S, TI-53, TI-1006, TI-1030, TI-1746, Galaxy 67, La Dictée Magique, Solid State Software Modules (TI-58, TI-58C, TI-59).

About Me updated.


September 4, 2016 Texas Instruments maintains a rainbow of colors for the Back-to-School 2016 season.


August 17, 2016 Additional pictures: Hema TI-1025, Reactor TI-1250, TI-1265, TI-502 (Yellow), TI-502 (Red), TI-703 LOOK, TI-1036.


May 29, 2016

Marie Lisa Collas shared with the Datamath Calculator Museum her Dismac SR-50, Radio Shack EC-497, SILCA 48 and TI-58 SOVAC. Thanks.

Michel Zwawiak shared with the Datamath Calculator Museum his rare TI-1786 manufactured by SEDASA for Mesbla. Thanks.

TI-58 CHRYSLER added.


May 17, 2016 Texas Instruments finally fixed the Logarithm Bug introduced in 1991.

Bug free TI-30Xa and TI-30 ECO RS added.


January 1, 2016

Híradástechnika PTK-1050, Koh-I-Noor Hardtmuth Studio 29, TI-83 Parcus (1st design) added.

About Me and Testimonials updated.


December 25, 2015

TI-30Xa Solar School Edition and TI-30X IIS (BTS 2012) added.

Additional pictures: TI-7 MathMate.


September 9, 2015 Texas Instruments maintains a rainbow of colors for the Back-to-School 2015 season.

Xavier Andréani shared with the Datamath Calculator Museum his TI-82 Plus (EVT Prototype). Thanks.

Michel Zwawiak shared with the Datamath Calculator Museum his TI-82 Plus. Thanks.

TI-84 Plus Pocket SE and TI-2300 added.

Additional Pictures: Sharp EL-8152.


May 25, 2015

Xavier Andréani shared with the Datamath Calculator Museum his first TI-Primaire Plus (EVT Prototype) and his second TI-Primaire Plus (DVT Prototype). Thanks.

Michel Zwawiak shared with the Datamath Calculator Museum his TI-Primaire Plus. Thanks.

Rare "TI-58C Franken Calculator" Architectural Data Corp Data Dimensioner and TI-30X Plus MultiView added.


January 3, 2015

Joseph Nichols donates the Datamath Calculator Museum a TI-30X IIS clone. Thanks.

Canon F-64, LS-551, Casio LC-79, Toshiba LC-845, UNIS SLR 80 and TI-1895 II (1st design) added.

Additional pictures: Sharp EL-8152, TI-2130, Galaxy 40x, Galaxy 40sx and Galaxy 67.


October 26, 2014

Marie Lisa Collas shared with the Datamath Calculator Museum her Texas Instruments professional (Koh-I-Noor). Thanks.

BA II Plus (2014) added.


September 1, 2014 Texas Instruments maintains a rainbow of colors for the Back-to-School 2014 season.


June 24, 2014

Michel Zwawiak shared with the Datamath Calculator Museum his TI-25 SOLAR (2nd design), TI-41 (1st design), TI-1785 and TI-2001 GTI (Italy, 1st design). Thanks.

Toshiba LC-853WA, TI-106 II, TI-53 (Zenith Data System), TI-7300 (1st design) and BA II Plus Professional (2nd design) added.

Additional pictures: Commodore C110, TI-1040 and BA II PLUS Professional.


March 22, 2014

SR-56 Applications Library added to Product Manuals.

Phylip Hoarau shared with the Datamath Calculator Museum his TI-59 MOD TEN calculator. Thanks.

Canon MC-60, TI-58C Victoria and TI-67 Galaxy (yellow LCD) added.


December 1, 2013

Xavier Andréani shared with the Datamath Calculator Museum his TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition (Prototype). Thanks.

TI-3000 Deskmath and TI-30 ECO RS (2013) added.

Additional pictures: LP-3000 Deskmath and TI-58 Agrippina.


November 20, 2013

New Leaflets, Bulletins and Product Manuals added.

TI-58C WG&L incotax (1982) added.


August 21, 2013 Texas Instruments maintains a rainbow of colors for the Back-to-School 2013 season by adding additional colors to its line of TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition and TI-30X IIS calculators.

New Leaflets, Bulletins and Product Manuals added - totaling 600 PDF-files worth of 3,000 MBytes.

Xavier Andréani shared with the Datamath Calculator Museum his TI-83 and TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition (Prototype). Thanks.

After 17 years an update on the TI-30Xa - don't miss 37 years history of the TI-30.

TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition, TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition (Wal-Mart) and TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition (Staples) added.

Additional pictures: TI-30 X IIS (Wal-Mart).


June 5, 2013 New Leaflets, Bulletins and Product Manuals added.

Xavier Andréani shared with the Datamath Calculator Museum his TI-73 VSC (Prototype), TI-83 (Prototype), TI-89 Titanium Presentation Link Adapter and TI-89 Titanium VSC. Thanks.

Stokes TI-Collčge Plus, TI-82 STATS (2012), TI-Nspire CM-C, TI-Nspire CM-C EVT1, TI-Nspire Color (Prototype), TI-Nspire CX and TI-Nspire Navigator Cradle added.

Additional pictures: TI-30 D and TI-Nspire CX EZ-Spot.


March 24, 2013

Phylip Hoarau shared with the Datamath Calculator Museum his White Trucks Solid State Software Module and the WWK Module for the TI-74S. Thanks.

SR-40 Prototype, Texas Instruments 40 (Koh-I-Noor), TI-1001 (US) and TI-2001 GTI (Italy) added.

Additional pictures: Time Manager TI-2000 and €-2000.


January 22, 2013

New Leaflets, Bulletins and Product Manuals added.

Jeppesen Sanderson Aristo M 400, TI-College Plus Solaire (Prototype) and Loran-C Module for TI-58 added.

Additional pictures: Jeppesen Sanderson Avstar (1st design), Avstar (2nd design), Prostar (1st design), Techstar, SR-51 (1st design) and TI-703.


October 30, 2012

New Product Manuals and Brochures:

Cessna Sky/Comp, Jeppesen Sanderson Prostar, Navtronic 1701 series, TI-35 GalaxyFirst Watch,  USMC AV-8C VSTOL/REST Calculator and Programmable Calculator News for TI-74 BASICALC and TI-95 PROCALC.

Hughes Helicopters Avstar and Piper Avstar added.

Additional pictures: Cessna Sky/Comp, Heathkit OCW-1401, Jeppesen Sanderson Avstar (2nd design), Prostar (1st design), Prostar (2nd design),  Navtronic 16, USMC Harrier, USMC AV-8C, TI-35 (1st design), TI-35 Galaxy, TI-57 LCD (1st design), TI-68 (3rd design),  TI-1766+, TI-1766 II (2nd design), TI-2130, Galaxy 10 and Galaxy 40.


August 10, 2012

Rare Texas Instruments Minimath Prototype added.

New Leaflets, Bulletins and Product Manuals:

ER-1795, TI-59 Übersicht (TI-58, TI-59, PC-100A), Magic Melody and TI-1795.

TI-34 MultiView EZ-Spot (2nd design), TI-55 III (2rd design) and TI-Collčge Plus (2nd design) added.

Additional pictures: Canon LE-80, LE-100, Texas Instruments SR-52, TI-34 MultiView, TI-1010, TI-1200, TI-1795, TI-2500 V0, TI-2500 V1 and TI-2550.


August 1, 2012

Various Leaflets and Bulletins added:

CL-199J (Electronic Calculators 1982), CL-525B (Educational Products 1981), CL-525D (Educational Products 1982), CL-525F (Educational Products 1983) and CL-652 (TI-5213, TI-5215, TI-5217, and TI-5219).

Corvus 600 and LETTERlogic (France) added.


July 23, 2012

Texas Instruments introduces a rainbow of colors for the Back-to-School 2012 season by adding additional colors to its line of TI-84 Plus Silver Edition, TI-30XS MultiView and TI-30X IIS calculators.

TI-74 Finance Library Cartridge, TI-74 Mathematics Library Cartridge, TI-74 Statistics Library Cartridge, TI-95 Chemical Engineering Library Cartridge, TI-95 Mathematics Library Cartridge and TI-95 Statistics Library Cartridge added.


July 7, 2012

New Product Manuals and Brochures:

ITT S-TRAINER, TI-71 and ECD0002-2391.



May 29, 2012

No Calculators - Just the Bird.


March 18, 2012

New Product Manuals:

TI-59 Program Pakettes (PPX-59) Blackbody Radiation, Electronic Engineering, Fluid Dynamics (Thanks to Roger Blakesley) and Oil/Gas/Energy.
TI-10 Galaxy, TI-309 Nuance, TI-1755, TI-1756, TI-1786, TI-5048, TI-5120, exactra 19, Number Beat (52 Weeks Personal Advisor, Thanks to Mark Bollman), Speak & Spell Cartridge Libraries Basic Builders, Homonym Heroes and Noun Endings.

Casio fx-10 and TI-1726 (2nd design) added.

Additional pictures: TI-35B, TI-1100, TI-1767 and TI-1780.


March 7, 2012

Actress and Scientist Mayim Bialik visited the Datamath Calculator Museum at TI's 24th Annual Tł™ International Conference in Chicago, Ill.

New Product Manuals:

TI-88 User's Reference Guide (PREVIEW ONLY).


February 25, 2012

Charlie Hartman (pictures) and Robert Culbreth (manufacturer) solved the puzzle of the first Zayre Concept 24 calculator. Thanks!

SEC navtronic 1701r, Western Auto electronic Wizard M4995, TI-108 (2nd design), TI-1105 (1st design), TI-1500 (Italy) and TI-7300 II added.

Additional pictures: SR-60, SR-60A, TI-18, TI-36 SOLAR (1st design), TI-701, TI-702, TI-1103 (red), TI-1255, TI-1756, TI-1766 II (2nd design) and TI-7000 (20th Anniversary Edition).


January 5, 2012

Rare Phoenix 1 Prototype discovered and The Five Engineering Stages deciphered.


December 14, 2011

Fourty years of Texas Instruments' "Calculator-on-a-Chip" and fourty years of the Bowmar 901B a.k.a. "Bowmar Brain".


December 5, 2011

Texas Instruments reintroduced the Little Professor after 35 years - the Little Professor Solar.

Scott Brainard donated the Datamath Calculator Museum a wonderful Montgomery Ward P200. Thanks!

New Product Manuals:

Montgomery Ward P200, Sinclair Scientific, Teal Photon and TI-18 SLR added.

TI-30 (Italy 2nd design) and TI-57 (Italy 2nd design) added.

Additional pictures: Privileg SR-35NC, Radio Shack EC-4042, EC-4044, TI-45 (1st design), TI-55 III (Inventec), BA-III and Business Edge.


November 2, 2011

Thomas Johnson donated the Datamath Calculator Museum various sales material. Thanks!

SR-50_FL (SR-50), SR-52_FL (SR-52, SR-56, PC-100), CB-250 (TI-30), CL-207A (TI Business Analyst), CL-217A (SR-40), CL-274 (TI Programmable 57), CL-275 (TI Programmable 58), CL-283 (TI-57, TI-58, TI-59, PC-100A), TI-59_FY (TI-58, TI-59, PC-100A), CL-293A (The MBA), CL-318 (TI-55), CL-557R (Speak & Spell), CL-580 (TI-55-II) added.

Steve Connor donated the Datamath Calculator Museum two important manuals. Thanks!

SR-52 Program Manual BA1 (Basic Library) and SR-52 Program Manual ST1 (Statistics Library) added.

Marie Lisa Collas shared his impressive calculator collection some weeks with the Datamath Calculator Museum. Thanks!

American Micro Products Module Selector, TI-1050 (Koh-I-Noor) and SR-50 (Holland 1974) added.

New Product Manuals:

TI-30SLR PLUS, BA-35 (2nd design), FIA-10, PA-201, PS-9100 Jot-it, Touch & Tell (E.T. module) added.

Longines Symphonette EC (2nd design), SR-50 (Holland 1975), TI-74 Learn Pascal Cartridge, Voyage 200 (Engineering Sample) and TI-84 added.

Additional pictures: Longines Symphonette EC (1st design).


August 1, 2011

Texas Instruments introduces a rainbow of colors for the Back-to-School 2011 season by adding additional colors to its line of TI-84 Plus Silver Edition, TI-30XS MultiView and TI-30X IIS calculators.


June 2, 2011

Texas Instruments introduces the ultimate non-graphing calculator - the TI-36X Pro.


May 28, 2011

Texas Instruments TI-Nspire CX, TI-Nspire CX EZ-Spot, and TI-Nspire CX CAS with Color Display and 3.0 Operating System available.

Casio AL-8, AL-8S, Mini CM-601, Hewlett Packard HP 30b, Zayre Concept-VI (2nd design), TI-30X IIS (Ohio Graduation Test), PS-9020 added.

Additional pictures: Radio Shack EC-425 and EC-5100, SR-22, TI-25 SOLAR, TI-30X IIS (1999), TI-32 Explorer Plus, TI-34 (1997), TI-59, TI-60 (1986), TI-68 (1991), TI-68 (1995), TI-307 (2nd design), TI-502 (blue), TI-507+, TI-1100+, TI-1722+, BA-II PLUS (1991), BA-35 (1989), BA Real Estate (1993), Financial Investment Analyst, TI-Nspire CX, TI-Nspire CX CAS and TI-Nspire Lab Cradle.


Apr. 08, 2011

Michel Zwawiak shared his impressive calculator collection some weeks with the Datamath Calculator Museum. Thanks!

Texas Instruments 30/super (Koh-I-Noor), TI-1265 (Koh-I-Noor), TI-1796, TI-5200 II and PS-6200 (4th design) added.


Apr. 01, 2011

Hewlett Packard HP Quick Calc added.


Mar. 16, 2011

Texas Instruments announced TI-Nspire CX, TI-Nspire CX EZ-Spot, and TI-Nspire CX CAS with Color Display and 3.0 Operating System.

Casio fx-CG10 (Prizm), TI-Nspire Navigator, TI-Nspire Navigator Access Point, TI-Nspire Cradle Charging Bay, TI-Nspire Navigator Wireless Cradle, TI-Nspire CX Wireless Network Adapter, TI-Nspire Docking Station, TI-Nspire CX Docking Station, TI-Nspire Lab Cradle and TI-Nspire Rechargeable Battery added.


Mar. 07, 2011

Four new players on the TI-30XS MultiView battleground: Ativa AT-30X, Canon F-718SG, Citizen SR-270X and Hewlett Packard SmartCalc 300S.

New Product Manuals:

TI-31 SOLAR (Europe), TI-52 (French, German), TI-52 SOLAR (French, German), TI-607, Buddy and My Own PlayPhone added.

Compex ST-10, Privileg Super 50, Sharp EL-825, Teal Photon, Vanity Fair Battlestar Galactica added.

TI-25 (Yellow Polarizer), TI-607, TI-808 (Marketing Sample), TI-1795 (2nd design, TI-2511 (2nd design)  TI-7350 and Mickey 123 added.

Additional pictures: Canon F-44, LC-MEMO, Montgomery Ward P200, Santron 400, TI-30, TI-32 SOLAR, TI-35 II, TI-44, TI-52 SOLAR, TI-1205, TI-1706 III, TI-1768 II, TI-1775+ and Little Professor (1997).


Feb. 10, 2011

Scott Reynolds donated the Datamath Calculator Museum a complete set of PPX-59 Exchange Newsletters. Thanks! We scanned, photoshopped and made them available for free download as PDF files. Enjoy!  

New Product Manuals:

TI-30 SLR, TI-59 Program Pakettes (PPX-59) Production/Planning, TI-2800 Paperless Printer, PS-9100 (Jot-It), Apothecalc, Check Out, Mouse Computer, Music Star, Speak & Spell Cartridge Libraries Super Stumpers (Grades 6-8), Vowel Power, Vowel Ventures, Speak & Spell Compact.

Canon FS-5 OHP, LC-28H III, Ibico 076S, Stokes Publishing Apothecalc, The Educator FS-5, TI-30 ECO RS (2009), TI-620, BA-20 (2002), TI-Nspire Touchpad EZ-Spot, TI-Nspire V2 EZ-Spot, Touchpad EZ-Spot for TI-Nspire and, TI-84 Plus Keypad (black) for TI-Nspire added.

Additional pictures: Canon Checkbook, Checkbook II (2nd design), Checkbook III, LC-8M, TI-35X, TI-40, TI-1775, TI-7350SV and PS-9100 Jot-it.


Jan. 05, 2011

Homeland 80K, 8009, 8102, 8112, 8115, Toshiba LC-829, LC-855W and LC-855W (American Express) added.

Additional pictures: BC-0804B and LC-8000.


Dec. 27, 2010

Rare New Specialties APOTHECALC computer added.

Dec. 21, 2010

New Product Manuals:

SR-52, TI-32, TI-59 Solid State Software Modules Applied Statistics, Electrical Engineering, TI-620, TI Programmer, PC-324 and Voyager (including all 15 activity books).

Canon LC-33 (Paddington Bear), LC-4T, Toshiba LC-857 and SC-7500 added.

Additional pictures: Canon RULER-8, Toshiba BC-1010-BJ, Corvus Model 625, Corvus Model 804, Zayre CONCEPT V, TI-503 and TI-1795SV.


Oct. 22, 2010

Texas Instruments introduces the ultimate non-graphing calculator - the TI-30X Pro MultiView.

TI-30X IIS (Purple - 2006), TI-Nspire Touchpad (blue) and Touchpad for TI-Nspire (1st generation) added.

Additional pictures: Montgomery Ward P100, Texas Instruments TI-30 STAT (1990), TI-30X IIS (Purple - 2004) and TI-5021 SuperView.


Aug. 24, 2010

New Product Manuals:

TI-40, TI-59 Program Pakettes (PPX-59) Astrology, Marketing/Sales, Sampling Plan, Securities, TI-1001, TI-1850 Visor Kit, TI-2200 II Checkwriter, TI-5021 SuperView, BA-45 Micro Business Manager, BA-55 (Brazil), DataTasks for DataMan, Mr. Challenger, Speak & Math, Speak & Read, Speak & Spell and Super thin Quartz Digital Watch.

Various Sales Catalogs, Leaflets and Bulletins added.


Aug. 12, 2010

Texas Instruments made math again stylish for the Back-to-School 2010 season by adding additional colors to its line of TI-84 Plus Silver Edition and TI-30X IIS calculators.
Six retailers introduced new calculator models in limited quantities, while two retailers reused existing designs:

Wal-Mart: TI-84 Plus S.E. (pink), TI-84 Plus S.E. (blue), TI-84 Plus S.E. (green), TI-30X IIS (pink), TI-30X IIS (blue), TI-30X IIS (green).
Target: TI-84 Plus S.E. (pink and red)
Staples: TI-84 Plus S.E. (blue - actually a Back-to-School 2009 design)
Office Depot, Staples: TI-84 Plus S.E. (black)
Office Depot, Staples, Meijer: TI-84 Plus S.E. (pink - actually a Back-to-School 2009 design)
Office Depot, Fred Meyer, Meijer, Shopko: TI-30X IIS (blue).

Radio Shack Spellmaster and Texas Instruments Speak & Spell "Professor" (China) added.


Jun. 27, 2010

New Product Manuals:

Deskmath, SR-50A, TI-30-II, TI-30 SLR, TI-30 SLR+, TI-35-II, TI-45, TI-50, TI-54, TI-59 Solid State Software Modules Aviation, Business Decisions, Leisure Library, Real Estate/Investments, TI-59 Program Pakettes (PPX-59) 59 Fun, Printer Utilities, Programming Aids, TI-95 ProCalc, LCD Programmer, Little Maestro, PC-324, Speak & Music and Speak & Spell E.T. Fantasy Module.

Various Sales Catalogs, Leaflets and Bulletins added.


May 07, 2010

Hundreds of Product Manuals, Sales Catalogs, Leaflets and Bulletins available for free download.

Mar. 17, 2010

Gilles Collas donated the Datamath Calculator Museum a rare SANILABEL Energy Calculator. Thanks!

TI-Nspire Keypads including Clickpad, Touchpad, and TI-84 Plus added. 

Additional pictures: TI-Nspire and TI-Nspire CAS with Touchpad.


Mar. 10, 2010

Texas Instruments introduced TI-Nspire, TI-Nspire EZ-Spot, and TI-Nspire CAS with Touchpad and 2.0 Operating System.

Bowmar Bowmar, Novus 750, Rockwell 22K and Texet 880 added.

Comp-U-Spec Calculator, WG&L incotax calculator (2nd design), TI-501SV and Grillo Parlante Piu added.

Additional pictures: Sharp EL-8020, TI-30-II (2nd design), TI-34 II, TI-53, TI-55-II, TI-58C, Allianz Insurance Calculator, TI-808, TI-1000 (2nd design), TI-1000 (1st design), TI-1015 (1st design), TI-1020 (1st design), TI-1050, Programmer II.


Feb. 06, 2010


Mostek Calculator Integrated Circuits added to Technology section.

Canon F-63, Casio Root-8S and Texas Instruments TI-7000 II added.

Additional pictures: Canon LE-80R, Radio Shack EC-4000, Texas Instruments TI-34 MultiView, TI-1706+ (1st design) and PS-5400.


Jan. 08, 2010

Lowell Yunker donated the Datamath Calculator Museum a very rare Sanyo ICC-804D. Thanks!

BA-35 (1984), BA-35 (1988), SR-56 (Brazil), TI-30 (Brazil), TI-30 Galaxy (2nd design), TI-30 XA (2009), TI-30Xa Solar (H.K.E.A.), TI-58C SRK, TI-60 (US) and TI-106 écolier added.

Additional pictures: TI-30 Galaxy (3rd design), TI-30 SLR+ (1988), TI-30 SLR+ (1989), TI-30-II (2nd design), TI-31, TI-66 Programmable, TI-503SV (1st design), TI-1010, TI-1031, TI-1500 (2nd design), TI-1766 II, TI-1795 Plus (1st design), BA-35 (1985), BA-45 Micro Business Manager, BA Real Estate (1st design), Galaxy 9 (2nd design), Galaxy 67, TI-2900 Info Bank, TI-3400 Europa, IS-8400, PS-2100, PS-3600, PS-3600+, PS-4000, PS-6700, PS-6860Si and PocketMate 140.


Dec. 30, 2009

Palmer Hanson revealed the remaining secret of the SR-52: Twelve or Thirteen Digits on the SR-52.


Oct. 30, 2009

Story "CB-272 Reunion 1976 - 2009"  featuring Texas Instruments ABLE, TI-1205 and TI-1255 added.

Special update for Texas Instruments Pocket Solutions:

Franklin Quest Academy 101, PS-2100, PS-2100 DayRunner, IS-8200, PS-CardPS-6565i, PS-6960Si, PS-9000, PS-9020, RR-1 Spell-Checker (1st design) added.
Additional pictures: Avigo 10, IS-8400, PocketMate 200, PocketMate 300, PocketMate 400, PS-3000PS-5600PS-9500 and TI-2700 Mini Data Bank.

TI-82 (2nd design), TI-84 Plus (Asia Pacific), TI-106 (3rd design) and MAGIC WAND Speaking Reader added.

Additional pictures: TI-30 XS MuiltiView EZ-Spot,, TI-1205, TI-1255 (Prototype), TI-5028, Voyage 200 and MAGIC WAND Speak & Learn.


Aug. 9, 2009

Special update for Desktop and Printing calculators:

TI-508 (2nd design), TI-5019 SV, TI-5040 II (1st design), TI-5130 (3rd design), TI-5130 IITI-5135, TI-5140, TI-5160 II, TI-5221, TI-5315, TI-5322, TI-5332 and TI-8230 added.
Additional pictures: TI-5015, TI-5035 II, TI-5050, TI-5112, TI-5130 (1st design), TI-5142 (1st design), TI-5142 (2nd design), TI-5155, TI-5220, TI-5630, €-2005 and €-2006.

Back-to-School 2009: TI-30X IIS (orange - Staples and Meijer), TI-30X IIS (dark-blue - Wal-Mart, Staples and Meijer) and TI-30X IIS (pink - Wal-Mart) added. More to come!

TI-30X IIS (2008 - red), TI-58 EDF, TI-58 IMCO DrilMod, TI-73 ViewScreen,, TI-1270 (1st design), TI-1706 (3rd design), TI-1706SV (1st design) and Designer Holster & Faceplates for TI-84 Plus S.E. added.
Additional pictures: TI-21, TI-92 II, TI-1006, TI-1032 (2nd design), LADY 1200, Spirit of '76 and Voyager


Jun. 8, 2009

Marek Czeszek prepared great Step-by-Step Instructions how to refurbish a TI-59. Thanks!

Xavier Andréani compiled valuable information about dozens of Graphing and Symbolic ROM-Versions. Thanks! 

Mark Bollman provided us an early TI-108 and solved the puzzle of the best known American elementary school calculator. Thanks!

Canon Financial Manager II, Canon LC-3, Radio Shack metriculator EC-8010 added.

TI-7 MathMate (2nd design), TI-76.frTI-83 Plus Blue (Staples 2004), TI-108 (2nd design), TI-108 (4th design), TI-1071, TI-1796SV (1st design), TI-1797, First Watch, La Dictée Magique, Module No1 and Module No4 added.

Additional pictures: TI-82, TI-89 Titanium, TI-2200 II (1st design), TI-2550-IV, PC-100A, PC-100C and Voyager


Apr. 1, 2009

Texas Instruments Execulator added.


Mar. 26, 2009

Special update for Graphing and Symbolic calculators:

TI-73 Explorer (2009), TI-73 Explorer (2006), TI-80 ViewScreen, TI-81 Engineering Sample, TI-81 (1st design), TI-81 (1˝st design), TI-81 ViewScreenTI-82 Engineering Sample, TI-82 ViewScreen Panel, TI-83 (1997), TI-83 Plus Cool Blue (Target 2003)), TI-83 Plus (Nam Tai 2006), TI-83, TI-83 Slide Cases, TI-84 Plus Presentation Link, TI-84 Plus Slide Cases, TI-84 Plus S.E. Faceplates, TI-85 ViewScreen (1st design) and TI-86 Engineering Sample added.
Additional pictures: TI-73, TI-80, TI-81 (2nd design), TI-81 (3rd design), TI-82 (1st design), TI-82 (3rd design), TI-82 ViewScreen, TI-83 Engineering Sample, TI-83 ViewScreen (2nd design), TI-84 Plus S.E. EZ-Spot, TI-85 (1st design), TI-85 (2nd design), TI-89 (2nd design), TI-89 (2003), TI-92, TI-92 Plus, Voyage 200, TI-Nspire and TI-Nspire CAS.
Overview of ROM (Read-Only Memory) and Display Drivers used in Graphing and Symbolic calculator added.

TI-15 Explorer (2006), TI-30X IIB (2nd design), TI-30X IIS (2nd design), TI-106 (3rd design), TI-108 (3rd design), TI-1788 and TI-1795SV (3rd design) added.
Additional pictures: TI-60X, BA Real Estate (2nd design), BA II PLUS (1st design) and Money-Manager.


Dec. 20, 2008 Stefan Klaes solved the puzzle of the different Checkwriter calculators and provided pictures of TI-2200, TI-2200 II (1st design), TI-2200 II (2nd design), TI-2200 II (3rd design) and TI-2200+. Thanks!

TI-59 COMPEG 2001TI-59 Kodak Q-700, TI-59 Magcobar and TI-59 SCOT WARE CL 4 added.
TI-58, TI-58C and TI-59 Solid State Software Modules - including 8 manuals - added.
Super Speak & Math and Super Speak & Spell Modules - including 4 manuals - added.


Nov. 27, 2008

Beechcraft avstar, Cessna Sky/Comp, Canon F-65FC-43S, FC-52, LC-1 (2nd design), LC-23, LC-34T, LC-37, LC-39, LC-210L, LD-8Rs, LD-8M 4, LD-81 (2nd design), LS-423, LS-704 (grey), LS-716HLS-718WC, LS-777 III, Homeland 812X, Radio Shack EC-3004, Sears LC89, SEC navtronic 1701, Sharp EL-503, Toshiba LC-1018MNLC-1019MN and SC-7100 added. 

TI-30 SLR (2nd design), TI-30 SLR+ (4rd design), TI-30 SOLAR (Pre-series), TI-30 STAT (1992), TI-36X Solar (Italy), TI-84 Plus S.E. EZ-Spot, TI-1250 (Hong Kong), TI-1706 (2nd design), TI-5005 IIBA-35 Business Analyst (1996), BS II (1st design) and La Dictée Magique (2nd design) added.

Additional pictures: Canon Canola L100S, Longines Symphonette Electronic Calculator, Montgomery Ward TXI-8644A, TXI-8646A, TXI-8663A, Toshiba LC-827, LC-833WA, LC-842 and Western Auto M4993.

Additional pictures: SR-51 (2nd design), TI-30 Challenger (1st design), TI-30 Challenger (2nd design), TI-30 eco RS (1st design), TI-30S, TI-30 SOLAR (2nd design),  TI-30 STAT (1987), TI-30 STAT (2nd design 1987), TI-30 STAT (1988), TI-30X, TI-30XA, TI-30Xa (2nd design), TI-30Xa SE (1st design), TI-30Xa SE (2nd design), TI-31 SOLAR (1st design), TI-31 SOLAR (3rd design), TI-32 Explorer Plus (1st design), TI-34 (1st design), TI-34 (2nd design), TI-34 (4rd design), TI-35 II (Italy), TI-35 Plus (Italy), TI-35 Plus (US), TI-35 SLR, TI-35 SOLAR, TI-36 SOLAR (2nd design), TI-36X SOLAR (1st design), TI-36X Solar (Italy), TI-36X Solar (China), TI-40 College, TI-40 Solar (2nd design), TI-55 II (Taiwan), TI-55 III (Taiwan),TI-74S Allianz, TI-84 Plus EZ-Spot, TI-410, TI-1766 (1st design), TI-1768 (2nd design), TI-2550, TI-5025, TI-5100 II, Business Analyst, Concept I, TI Converter aka TI-1890, Investment Analyst, Programmer, Computer Fun (UK), Language Translator, Language Tutor, Le Lecture Magqiue, PS-2000, PS-6560i, PS-6155, Super Speak & ReadSuper Speak & Spell and Teddy Touch & Tell.


Oct. 4, 2008

Texas Instruments made math stylish for the Back-to-School 2008 season by adding additional colors to its line of TI-84 Plus Silver Edition, TI-84 Plus and TI-30X IIS calculators.
Six retailers introduced more than a dozen new calculator models in limited quantities:

Wal-Mart: TI-84 Plus S.E. (red), TI-84 Plus S.E. (blue), TI-84 Plus (translucent), TI-30X IIS (pink).
Target: TI-84 Plus S.E. (pink), TI-30X IIS (maroon), TI-30X IIS (green).
Office Depot: TI-84 Plus S.E. (Raspberry Sorbet), TI-84 Plus S.E. (Blaze), TI-30X IIS (pink).
Best Buy: TI-84 Plus S.E. (blue), TI-84 Plus S.E. (purple), TI-30X IIS (pink).
Staples: TI-84 Plus S.E. (pink), TI-84 Plus S.E. (blue).
Office Max: TI-84 Plus S.E. (pink).

Jeppesen Sanderson avstar (2nd design), Stokes TI-30XS MultiView and TI-34MV MultiView, Toshiba LC-810 and LC-848 added.

Ken Meine provided pictures of the rare Money Manager (Brazil) Thanks!
TI-30 STAT (1985), TI-35 (1st design), TI-7100
(1st design) and Collegiate added. 
Additional pictures: SR-50A (2nd design), TI-10 Profit Guide, TI-21, TI-35TI-35 Galaxy SolarTI-60X, TI-65, TI-68 (2nd design), TI-84 Plus, TI-84 Plus S.E., TI-1035, TI-1788 III, TI-1790, TI-1790-II, TI-1895 II, TI-2500 (Pre-series), TI-5025, BA II Professional, BA-35 Student Business Analyst, Business Analyst-I (1st design), The MBA, Little Professor (1980), Little Professor (1982) and Little Professor (1985). 

Buyer protection warning added to the TI-Nspire CAS+ Prototypes.

Ira Chayut scanned the valuable SR-10 Applications Guide. Thanks! Find it together with many other additions in the Calculator Manuals section.


Aug. 4, 2008

Mark Bollman shared his impressive calculator collection some weeks with the Datamath Calculator Museum. Thanks!

TI-Nspire (EZ-Spot), TI-83 Plus Ultra Violet (Target 2002), TI-83 Plus Blue (Target 2003), TI-83 Plus Lime Green (Staples 2004), TI-83 Plus S.E. VSC, TI-86 (1st design) and TI-89 VSC added.
Stokes Advanced added.
Additional pictures: TI-58C Pool Water Analysis, TI-73, TI-73 Explorer, TI-83 Plus (1st design), TI-83 Plus Silver EditionTI-1105 (2nd design), Fun Calc, Hot Calc and Number Beat.


Jun. 8, 2008

Mark Cook donated pictures of E.T.'s communication device featured in the Universal Studios Florida. Thank you!

Back To School 2008: Roadtest compares Casio fx-300ES, Sharp EL-W535B, and TI-30XS MultiView.

Radio Shack EC-3001 added.
TI-34 MultiView (Pre-series), TI-34 MultiView (EZ-Spot), TI-58C WG&L tax planner, TI-83 Parcus, TI-605 (2nd design), TI-1002, TI-1100 II (1st design), TI-1100 II (4th design), TI-1104 (rose on green), TI-1766 II (1st design), TI-1776, TI-1788 II, TI-5027 II, TI-Collčge Plus (Pre-series), Calculator-Based Ranger CBR 2, Fixed Income Securities (Pre-series), Little Professor (1976, 2nd design), Spelling B (2nd design) and TI-70 added.
Additional pictures: TI-1766 II (2nd design), DataMan, El Loro Parlanchin, FIA-10, Fixed Income Securities, Little Professor (1976, 1st design), Little Professor (1978), Little Professor (1980), Little Professor (1985), Math Magic and WIZ-A-TRON.


Mar. 9, 2008

Story "The PET Project" added featuring SPOT, FIDO and TOTO.

First generation PET devices PLT FHH1, PLT SHH1, PLT DS1, PLT WS1 and PLT USB1 added or revised.
Second generation PET devices PLT SU1, PLT VIEW, PLT IRDA and PLT WC added.


Mar. 1, 2008

TI-34 MultiView and TI-Collčge Plus (France 2008) added.
Additional pictures: BA-35 CGA (1st design), BA-35 (1st design), BA-35 (2nd design), BA-35 Solar, BA-II (2nd design), BA-SOLAR (1st design), TI-12 Math Explorer (5th design), TI-12 Math Explorer (3rd design), TI-30 (1985), TI-30 (1986) and TI-30 (1987).


Feb. 19, 2008

Special update for Graphing and Symbolic calculators:

Information about U.S. Achievement Tests added for all Graphing and Symbolic calculators.
Information about ROM-Versions and Hardware-Revisions added for most Graphing and Symbolic calculators.

Prototype of the TI-Nspire added:  TI-Nspire (Proto). TI-81 (3rd design), TI-82 (2nd design), TI-83 Plus (France 2006 blue), TI-83 Plus (France 2007 pink), TI-83 Plus (France 2007 blue) and TI-89 Titanium (France 2007) added.
Additional pictures: TI-82 (3rd design), TI-82 Parcus, TI-83 and TI-86.

Michel Zwawiak donated a rare Creeks N' Creeks Blue calculator. Thanks!


Jan. 03, 2008

Special update for friends of the Circuit-Bending art.

Wordlists of all Speak & Spell, Speak & Read and La Dictée Magique modules added. Wordlists of Speak & Spell (1st design), Speak & Spell (2nd design English Voice), Speak & Spell Compact and La Super Dictée Magique (Module No2) added. Thanks Hallvard Tangeraas!
Info on Grillo Parlanto, La Lecture Magique, Super Speak & Math, Super Speak & Read, Super Speak & Spell and Voyager modules added.
Overlays of all Touch & Tell, Tipp und Sprich and Vocaid modules added.

La Balle Magique (Les Bruits Familiers), Le Livre Magique (1st design), Le Livre Magique (2nd design), Speak & Spell (3rd design English Voice), Stack-A-Round Clown, Super Libro Parlante and Touch & Tell (United Kingdom) added.


Nov. 27, 2007

Prototypes of the TI-Nspire CAS added: TI-Nspire CAS+ (Evaluation), TI-nspire CAS+ (New Zealand), TI-Nspire CAS+ (Proto).
Rare ABLE educational calculator added.
Dozens Calculator Manuals and first Sales Leaflet added. 

Update of the story "The TI-30 celebrates the 25th Anniversary !"
Stokes overhead calculators added: Advanced, Basic (2nd design), BA II PLUS Professional, Elementary (2nd design) Elementary (3rd design), Galactic 9x, Intermediate Plus, Scientific Plus, Scientific Plus (2nd design), Scientific Plus (3rd design),  TI-10, TI-15, TI-30X II, TI-34 II, TI-73 Explorer.
Canon LC-25H added.
TI-30XB MultiView (France), TI-30XS MultiView EZ-Spot, TI-30X IIB (Wal-Mart green), TI-30XA (2007), TI-60 (1st design), TI-1105 (2nd design), TI-2001 GTI (silver), TI-5021, BA-35 CGA (2nd design), Business Analyst-I (2nd design), €-5032, Spelling B (1st design) added.
Additional pictures: TI-1006, TI-1100+, TI-1706 III, TI-1760 DataCard, TI-1768 II, TI-1775, TI-1750 (3rd design), Galaxy 9 (2nd design), PS-9100 Jot-It, Voyager.


Sep. 25, 2007

40 years after inventing the electronic handheld calculator (Cal-Tech), Texas Instruments launches the TI-Nspire and TI-Nspire CAS on the US market.

TI-86 VSC, TI ViewScreen 82, TI ViewScreen 85, TI ViewScreen 92 added.
Additional pictures: SR-50, SR-51, SR-56P, TI-58C, TI-25, TI-35 (1st design), TI-35 (3rd design), TI-82 (2nd design), TI-84 Plus, TI-89 Titanium, TI-1200, TI-1760, BA-35, Galaxy 40x and LCD Programmer.


Aug. 16, 2007

Texas Instruments introduced 3 updated calculators in Europe: TI-EC3+, TI-EC5+ and TI-EC7 Pro+.

Lucas F. Vane provided pictures of a TI-55-II manufactured in Manaus, Amazonia. Thanks!
Stephan Feinen provided pictures of a SR-56 manufactured after the introduction of the TI-57, TI-58. Thanks!
TI-30XB MultiView, TI-30X IIS (Office Depot pink), TI-30X IIS (Target lime-green), TI-30X IIS (Target pink), TI-83 Plus (Target blue), TI-84 Plus Silver Edition (Office Depot pink), TI-84 Plus Silver Edition (Target blue) and TI-503SV (Target pink) added.
Additional pictures: TI-30X IIB (Wal-Mart blue), TI-30X IIS (Wal-Mart orange) and TI-30X IIS (Wal-Mart purple). 


Jul. 24, 2007

The long-awaited TI-Nspire and TI-Nspire CAS arrived.


Jun. 11, 2007

Luís Pereira donated the Datamath Calculator Museum an early TI-55-II. Thanks!

Texas Instruments introduced 3 new calculators: TI-30XB MultiView, TI-30XS MultiView, and TI-34 MultiView.


May 24, 2007

Stephan L. Reid donated the Datamath Calculator Museum a very rare TI-78. Thanks!
Shannon Vinson sold her TI-88 to the Datamath Calculator Museum with a great discount. Thanks!

Update of the story "The TI-59 celebrates the 30th Anniversary!"
Stefan Klaes provided pictures of the TI-1104 (white on blue) and PS-6600 (3rd design). Thanks!
Hans Bloemen provided pictures of the HEMA 1025. Thanks!

Canon Snoopy & Woodstock (LC-33 white), (LC-33 yellow), (LC-33 pink), FC-82, LC-20, MD-81 and Radio Shack EC-402 added.
TI-18 (2nd design), TI-35 (2nd design), TI-82, TI-1766 (4rd design), TI-1784, TI-2700 Mini Data Bank (2nd design), LOGpit (2nd design), El Loro Parlanchin, Grillo Parlante Piu, LETTERlogic (UK) and Spelling ABC (UK) added.
Additional pictures: TI-1006, TI-85 (2nd design), TI-307 (Grey), TI-1600, Dotta Conta-Parla and Grillo Parlante.


Feb. 7, 2007

Rare Engineering Samples: PLT SHH1 / PLT WS1 Stylus operated Graphing Calculator discovered. 


Dec. 30, 2006

About Me - PART II: Our Great Adventure added.

Update of the story "The TI-30 celebrates the 25th Anniversary!"
Frederick S. Gimblee provided pictures of the rare Montgomery Ward D12K. Thanks!
Montgomery Ward D8F and D10P added.
Rare TI-30 SLR PLUS added.
TI-30 XIIS (Wal-Mart, 1st design), TI-84 PLUS EZ-Spot, TI-1104 (white on grey), TI-5035 IIFixed Income Securities added.
Additional pictures: TI-7 EC Pro, TI-12 Math Explorer (1991), TI-506, TI-1606, TI-1650, TI-1780, TI-7200.


May 6, 2006 Texas Instruments introduced despite all rumors 3 new calculators in Europe: TI-EC3, TI-EC5 and TI-EC7 Pro.

Canon F-56, F-200 and Western Auto electronic Wizard (M4993) added.
TI-1040A Tax Pak and TI-30Xa Solar School Edition for Virginia (1st edition) added.
Additional pictures: E.T. calculator.


Feb. 24, 2006

Friedrich Distelkamp provided pictures of the Toshiba LC-850M. Thanks!
Montgomery Ward P-800, Radio Shack EC-200, Stokes Educational Business, Toshiba LC-866 and True Value T-1220 added.
TI-82 (1st design), TI-83 (1st design), TI-92 II, TI-608TI-1104, TI-1706 (4th design), TI-1706 III (UNOCAL 76), TI-1766 II (1st design), TI-2500 V2 (UK), TI-5022, TI-5030, TI-5030 II, TI-5032 SVC, TI-5035, TI-Collčge and Mathe-Star added.
Additional pictures: TI-10, TI-15, TI-30 STAT (3th design), TI-30X, TI-30X SOLAR, TI-30Xa, TI-30Xa SOLAR, TI-35X, TI36X SOLAR, TI-54, TI-55-II Prototype, TI-57, TI-57 II (1st design), TI-57 II (2nd design), TI-106 (2nd design), TI-306 (2nd design), TI-603, TI-606 (2nd design), TI-606 (3rd design), TI-808 (white), TI-1031, TI-1105, TI-1200, TI-1265, TI-1706 II (1st design), TI-5000, TI-5005 II, TI-5006 II, TI-5010, TI-5019 SV, TI-5028, TI-5038 II, TI-7200 (2nd design), BA-II PLUS (2000), BA-35 Solar, Business Analyst-II, Business Edge, Creeks, Galaxy Junior, Language Translator, Listen & Learn Nursery RhymesMathe-FixPS-6360iTouch & Discover, Touch & Tell and Vocaid.


Sep. 1, 2005

Neil Williams donated the Datamath Calculator Museum a very rare Speak & Spell manufactured in Japan. Thanks!

Ken Meine provided pictures of the rare TI-2130. Thanks!
Bill Gaskill provided pictures of the TI-1105 (2nd design). Thanks!
Wal-Mart introduced for the Back-to-School campaign: TI-30X IIB (blue) and TI-30X IIS (orange).
Stokes TI-30X II, Toshiba SLC-8280, TI-12 Math Explorer (1st design), TI-12 Math Explorer (4th design), TI-30Xa Solar School Edition for Virginia, TI-1850 Visor Kit (2nd design), TI-1895 II, TI-5213, TI-5217, TI-5219, TI-5230, Computer Fun (UK), Le Clown Magique, Les Maths MagiquesMy Own Playphone, Speak & Spell (1st design English Voice), Speak & Spell (2nd design English Voice) and Touch & Discover School Edition added.
Additional pictures: Canon F-5SR-16, SR-50A, SR-51A, SR-56, TI-25 SOLARTI-30, TI-30-II (1st design), TI-35 SOLAR, TI-35 SLR, TI-44, TI-50, TI-58, TI-95, TI-450, TI-620, TI-1260, TI-2000, TI-2000 Time Manager, BA Real Estate (1st design), BA Real Estate (2nd design) and Teddy Touch & Tell.


March 8, 2019

Dallas (June 20, 2005)  „Jack S. Kilby, an Inventor of the Microchip, Is Dead at 81"


Jun. 5, 2005

Fellow collector Eduardo Gutierrez donated a rare TI-55-II (Brazil). Thanks!

TI-30 (1987), TI-35-II (Taiwan), TI-56 (Taiwan), TI-58 EDF, TI-307 (1st design), TI-308 Elle, TI-1100 II (1st design), TI-1104 KLM, TI-1505, TI-1768 (1st design), TI-1775 (1st design), TI-1796+, TI-1798 (1st design), TI-2000 Time Manager, TI-3200 ProDialer and TI-5021 (1st design) added.
Additional pictures: TI-55-II, TI-55 III (Taiwan), TI-603D, TI-1890 Converter and TI-3200 Dialer.


Mar. 5, 2005 New Album "Graphing and Symbolic Calculators" added to distinguish them from the traditional ones.

Educational products sold in Italy through Clementoni label compiled. 
L'Ordinateur Magique, La Balle Magique, La Lecture Magique, La Lettura Magica, Le Livre Magique, Le Super Livre Magique, Le Zoo Magique, Les Nombres Magiqus, Libro Parlante, Libro Parlante (2nd design), Little Computer and Magic Melody added. 
Additional pictures: La Dictée Magique, LETTERlogic, Math Marvel, Math...ToGo!, Mr. Challenger, My Little Computer, SOLAR Little Professor, Spelling B, Spelling B (UK), Spelling ABC and Super Speak & Read


Nov. 11, 2004

Graphing and Symbolic calculators arranged in new Album.


Nov. 11, 2004

Mark Bollman donated pictures of the rare Number Beat. Thanks !
Stefan Klaes donated dozens of pictures: TI-55-II (Proto), TI-57 II (1st design), TI-306 (2nd design), TI-505, TI-606 (1st design), TI-606 (3rd design), TI-607, TI-808 (white), TI-1104 (green on green),
TI-1104 (blue on white), TI-1104 (red on grey), TI-1105 (2nd design), TI-1754 and TI-1755SLR (2nd design). Thanks !
TI-18, TI-30 ECO RS (2004), TI-37 Galaxy Solar (green), TI-58 AV-8C (Harrier II), TI-73 Explorer, TI-7200 (2nd design), BA-20 and BA II PLUS (2004) added.
Additional pictures: TI-1706 II.


Oct. 13, 2004

Fellow collector Paulo Rogerio Romagna donated a rare SR-40 LCD. Thanks!
Rare LP-3000 Deskmath from the First Series discovered.


Sep. 15, 2004 Texas Instruments "re-invented" with the BA II PLUS Professional the electronic calculator.

Wal-Mart introduced for the Back-to-School campaign: TI-30X IIB (lemon-green), TI-30X IIS (purple) and TI-503SV (green).


Sep. 2, 2004

TI-30-III (Italy), TI-35 II (Italy) and TI-35Plus (US) added.
Additional pitures: TI-30 Galaxy SLR, TI-30 LCD, TI-30Xa SE, TI-74, TI-74S, TI-80, TI-89 (2003), TI-1010TI-1606, CC-40, Galaxy Junior and Prof_82.


Jul. 23, 2004

Details about the Logarithm Bug of the TI-35X and all related calculators added.
Philippe Leckler provided pictures of two unusual TI-2500 Datamath: TI-2500B (Spain) and refurbished TI-2500 V2 (Spain).
Stefan Klaes discovered early version of the TI-2510. Thanks !
PS-6360i added.
Additional pictures: Galaxy 10, Speak & Music.


Jun. 27, 2004 Additional pictures of the 2004 models: TI-84 Plus, TI-84 Plus Silver Edition, and TI-89 Titanium.
Jun.  9, 2004

Complete restyled 2004 model released: TI-36X SOLAR.
Update of the story "The TI-30 celebrates the 25th anniversary!"
Manfred Pfeiffer donated pictures of the rare TI-10 Profit Guide. Thanks!
First variation of the 2004 models discovered: TI-30X IIS (2nd design).
TI-30 SLR+ (3rd design), TI-30 SLR+ (4th design), TI-503SV (red), TI-1104 (7th design), TI-7350SV and PS-4000 added.
Additional pictures of the 2004 models: TI-30XA, TI-30X IIB, TI-30X IIS, TI-34 II, TI-36X II, TI-40 Collége II, and TI-82 STATS.
Additional pictures: TI-35 SLR.


May 2, 2004

Texas Instruments continues the latest calculator design line and introduces: TI-30XA, TI-30 ECO RS, TI-30X IIB, TI-30X IIS, TI-34 II, TI-36X II, TI-40 Collége II, and TI-82 STATS
Paulo Rogerio Romagna discovered both the SR-40 LCD and TI-35B. Thanks! 
Dan Englender provided the first pictures of a disassembled TI-84 Plus Silver Edition. Thanks! 
Additional pictures: TI-30Xa, TI-30X IIS and TI-34 II.


Apr. 5, 2004

My wonderful wife Barbara donated a TI-83 Plus Silver Edition - we celebrated 50,000 visitors.

Texas Instruments introduced despite all rumors 4 new calculators: TI-84 Plus, TI-84 Plus Silver Edition, TI-89 Titanium, and BA II PLUS Professional.
Frank Boehm, Hans Bloemen, Peter Muckermann and Stefan Klaes donated dozens of pictures.
Canon LE-85, Canola LS-1, L812, F-41, F-52, F-55S (2nd design),  F-72, F-73, F-73P, F-402, LC-MEMO, LC-7, LC-34, LC-61TII, LC Quartz, Palmtronic 8 mini, Panther 8, LD-8M 3 (3rd design), LD-10M, LD-10M 3, LS-10, LS-152H, LS-565H, LS-566H, LS-704, KS-8, Checkbook II, Casio FILM CARD SL-800, fx-7000G, Craig 4510, Litronix Checkmate, MBO Conti 10, Conti 20, Privileg LP31, Radio Shack EC-455, EC-9800, Stokes Intermediate (2nd design), Toshiba BC-1011, BC-602L, BC-602L (grey), BC-603L, BC-0804B, BC-819, BC-0811B, BC-1010BJ, BC-8012, BC-8013, BC-8016, BC-8018, BC-8112SRLC-831W, LC-851, LC-854WA, Homeland 8105, Homeland 8109 and Homeland 8011 added. Longines Symphonette (2nd design), TI-53 (2nd design), TI-5033 SV, TI-5034 (1st design), TI-5045 IIA, TI-5045 SV, TI-7100, PS-6760Si, Dotto Contaparla, Fonillo Suonaparla,
La Super Dictée Magique, Le Livre Magique and Pitagora added. 
Additional pictures: Canon LE-80, LE-82, LE-84, Corvus 322 Toshiba SLC-8310 and PS-20/20.


Jan. 15, 2004

SR-50 Commemorative Calculator added - we celebrate the 30th anniversary!

Rare TI-3500 clone Radio Shack EC-2000 added.
Christian von Lettow-Vorbeck donated pictures of a rare and mystery TI-30 (4th design).
TI-508 PLUS and TI-1100+ (2nd design) added.
Additional pictures: TI-106, TI-1768 II, TI-2550 IV, Grillo Parlante and PS-6860Si.


Nov. 24, 2003 Download pages established: Calculator Manuals, Calculator Emulators and Sound Samples.

Calculator Based data Collection Systems CBL, CBL 2 and CBR added.
Rare TI-5310 Business Manager spills out a secret. 
Joăo Oliveira donated pictures of the rare TI-58C incotax.
Euro-calculators completed with €-1796 prototype, €-2005 and €-2006.
TI-35 Galaxy, TI-89 (2nd design), TI-510, TI-2500 V1 (Italy), TI-2500B prototype, TI-5142 (2nd design), TI-5225, Chatter-Book, Discovery Depot, La Bola Mágica, Magic-Ball and PS-6300 added.
Additional pictures: TI-89, TI-5018, TI-5018SV, TI-5025, TI-5317, Concept I, Concept II, €-2000, €-2000+ and Programmer II.
ZOOM or 3D pictures: SR-50, TI-58C incotax, TI-2500 V1 (Italy), TI-2500 V2, TI-2500 V3, TI-2500B, TI-2500-II, TI-2510 and Longines Syphonette TI-2500 V1, TI-2500 V2 and TI-2500B.


Oct. 25, 2003

Additional Calculator Manuals added.
Bowmar 901C, Canon Canola L-20 IILC-33, LC-64T, Commodore Minuteman 1, Heathkit IC-2009, Stokes Scientific Plus, and Toshiba HB-102, Homeland 810, LC-825 II, LC-110PV and LC-1016 added.
SR-10 Italy (2nd design), TI-603D, TI-5006TI-5027 and Exactra 21 prototype added.
Additional pictures: Rapid Data Rapidman 800, TI-55 prototype, TI-57, TI-89, TI-1025, TI-1722+, TI-1788 III, TI-3400 EuropaFIA-10 and Language Tutor.
Additional pictures of LED displays and printed circuit boards (PCB's) found in early calculators: Lot of SR-10, SR-11, TI-1500, TI-2000, TI-2500 V2, TI-2500-II, TI-2550, Exactra 19, Exactra 20, Exactra 21, Exactra 22 and Exactra 23.
ZOOM pictures: Canon LC-64T and TI-1788 III.


Sep. 27, 2003

Greg and Marianne Owens donated the rare white Datamath Version 1 from the First Series. Thanks !

Dave Gipe, Piero Todorovich and Roald Hendriks donated pictures of Canon LC-4, LC-10M and LC-20, Toshiba LC-1252 and Texas Instruments SR-11 (2nd design), TI-31 Solar (3rd design), TI-1756, Creeks N' Creeks Brick and PS-2000.
Canon EX-1, F-44, F-62, F-502, F-604, F-700F-720, FC-32, L-3, L813 II, LC-5, LC-5 (black), LC-6, LC-61, LC-83M, LC-83MII, LD-80 Panther, LD-8M 2, LS-12TU and MD 810, Garrett 2002 and Toshiba LC-821, LC-840WA, LC-847 II added.
TI-40 Collčge and TI-7300  added.
Additional pictures: TI-68 (3rd design), TI-73, TI-1104, TI-1766 (2nd design), RR-1 Spell-Checker, TM 990/301 and WIZ-A-TRON.
ZOOM pictures: Canon EX-1, F-62LC-6, LC-61, LS-6, Datamath TI-2500 Version 1 and TI-1756.


Sep. 6, 2003

Calculator Manuals added.
Texas Instruments introduced despite all rumors 3 new calculators: TI-503SV, TI-1706SV, and TI-1795SV. Both TI-1726 and TI-5018SV received a small redesign.


Jun. 20, 2003

Link to Volker Reher added.
James Townsend provided list of all known Speak & Learn books.
Piero Todorovich
donated pictures of TI-1767 and the Italian version of the Speak & Spell called Grillo Parlante.
Graphics calculators rearranged and teacher models added: TI-82 VSCTI-83 VSC.
Symbolic calculators updated: TI-92, TI-92 Plus, Expansion Port and Voyage 200.
Toshiba LC-1028PV and Western Auto M4987 (2nd version) added.
TI-30 III ClearCase, TI-30 Solar (1989), TI-36X (1st design), TI-57 (Italy), TI-305, TI-306, TI-703, TI-1746, TI-1755 SLRTI-5019 SV, TI-5040 II, TI-5045 II, TI-5142  PocketMate 400, PS-2100+ and PS-3960i added.
Additional pictures: TI-30 Galaxy (Italy), TI-44, TI-45, TI-57 LCD, TI-57 II, TI-307+, TI-808, TI-1032, TI-1050, TI-1200, TI-1706+, TI-1800, TI-5005, TI-5010BA-III, Europa 10, Investment Analyst, LOGPit and RR-1 Spell Checker.
ZOOM pictures: TI-1755 SLR.


May 14, 2003

Roald Hendriks donated pictures of TI-68 (Original design), TI-83 Plus SE VSC and TI-85 (1st design). 
Larry Corrado and Stefan Klaes donated pictures of TI-502 (yellow), TI-605, TI-1706 II (1st design), TI-1795+ (1st design) and BA-20 (1st design).
Canon FC-42, LD-10M2 and LX-30, National Semiconductor QuizKid, Radio Shack Fun'N Calc 2, Rapid Data Rapidman 800 and Rapidman 801, Sears Digi·matic 8
and Stokes Intermediate added.
TI-52 (Japan), TI-60 (USA), TI-82 (2nd design), TI-606, TI-1626, TI-1796SV and BA-II (1st design) added.
Additional pictures: Canon LE-80R, TI-18 SLR, TI-30 (1988), TI-30 Galaxy (Italy), TI-52 (Italy), TI-60X, TI-62 Galaxy, TI-65, TI-66, TI-1015, TI-1020, TI-5100, TI-5200, BA-20Business Edge, Galaxy 9x, Galaxy 40, Galaxy 40x, Galaxy 40sx and Galaxy 67.
ZOOM pictures: TI-1626 and Business Card.


Mar. 29, 2003

Background of Blue Angel logo featured on TI-30 eco RS and TI-36 eco RS added.
Hans Bloemen donated pictures of rare Corvus CheckMaster.
Larry Corrado and Stefan Klaes donated pictures of TI-620 and TI-2001 (silver).
Corvus desktop calculators added: 300E, 305 and 307. Canon Checkbook Junior, Financial Printer, F-61, FC-80, LC-61T and LE-81M, Privileg electronic 2000, Radio Shack EC-1000, Sanyo ICC-82D (1st version) ICC-82D (2nd version), Sharp EL-8153 and Toshiba LC-859WA added.
TI-25 STAT (China), TI-34 (5th design), TI-307, TI-603, TI-1100+, TI-1798, TI-5021 added.
Additional pictures: Corvus 415, Montgomery Ward P8F, Radio Shack EC-300 and Toshiba BC-1205B, TI-25X Solar, TI-1700, TI-1766-III, TI-2550 II, TI-2550 III, Battery Pack BP2 and BP3.


Feb. 20, 2003

Steffen Schmid developed replacement board for Battery Packs.
Bob Patton donated pictures of rare SR-40 prototype.
Larry Corrado, Roald Hendriks and Stefan Klaes donated pictures of TI-106, TI-1036, TI-1706+TI-1775+, TI-2001 GTI (UK), TI-5045, TI-5130 and TI-5142 III.
Some Bohsei 3000 sibblings, Canon F-603, LC-2, LC-81M and LC-82M, JCPenney 2310 and Toshiba LC-8000 added.
SR-10 Italy, TI-73, TI-82 Parcus, TI-83 and TI-86 added.
Additional pictures: Canon LE-10 and LD-8s, TI-83 Plus and TI-1786.


Jan. 22, 2003

Stu Mulne donated pictures of the rare Business Card.
Canon LC-31, LD-80 and LD-81, Radio Shack EC-4043 and Toshiba BC-8111 added.
TI-81 (1st version), TI-1100-II (2nd version), TI-5213, TI-5215, TI-5217 and TI-5219 added.
Additional pictures: Canon LD-81, LD-84 and LD8M 3, SR-50A, TI-2000 Time Manager and PS-5400 added.


Dec. 29, 2002

Four calculators for the vision impaired people added: Schoenherr Braillotron 2550 II, Handy Tech Galixa30 Speech, Galixa Speech, Galixa Piezo.
Canon L121, L1010 and L1210, Compucorp 325 Scientist and Western Auto Citation (1050) added.
TI-25 STAT, TI-1766 (3rd version), TI-2200 Checkwriter, TI-5005 II, TI-5008 (2nd design), TI-5219 II, PocketMate 200, PS-2460i and Talking Storytime Sorter added.
Additional pictures: Canon LE-83, Toshiba HB-103, TI-20, TI-74S, TI-502, TI-506 and Touch & Discover.


Dec. 14, 2002

tOYBREAKER ::: bended the Speak&Music.
RPN explained for non HP-user.
Links to Piero Todorovich and Stefan Klaes added.
Mike Sebastian, Piero Todorovich and Stefan Klaes donated some pictures of various Canon, Toshiba and TI calculators.
Canon F-42, LC-1 (yLCD), LC-1LC-44, LD-81, LD-8s, LE-80R, LS-6 Palmtronic 8-T and Ruler-8, Jeppesen Sanderson Prostar (2nd design), Radio Shack EC-476, Toshiba BC-1205B, BC-8018B and BC-8111 added.
Rare TI-2511 discovered, another member of the Datamath family.
TI-2200 II Checkbook, TI-5020, TI-5033, TI-5162 and PS-2020 added.
New versions of TI-30 III, TI-410, TI-1750 and BA-SOLAR added.
Additional pictures: TI-2500B, TI-2510TI-30 LCD, Personal Banker, Language Translator and Logpit.


Nov. 20, 2002

Canon LD-84, LD-8M3, LD-8Ms and LX-40, Corvus 406, Heathkit IC-2006, Toshiba LC-830, LC-838 and LC-842 added.
TI-55-III (Taiwan), TI-1500 (3rd version), TI-1706SV and PS-3600+ added. Early LED watch TI-500 added.
Additional pictures: Kosmos Astro, Toshiba LC-844WA and TI-74S.


Oct. 27, 2002

Stories about Monsanto (first LED) and the first LCD (death of the LED) added.
Technology of the famous Klixon™ keypad added. Features Craig 4501, JCE Percent and Litronix Checkmate 1002.
Mark Bollman donated pictures of TI-1768 II, TI-7000 (20th Anniversary Edition), TI-7200, Fun Calc and Toshiba SLC-8290WA.
Gordon Dyer donated picture of TI-2500B made in Spain.
Mostek added: Calculator chips, Corvus 312, 411, 500 and 615.
Busicom exec 100-DA, Canon F-58, FC-43, FP-11P, Sanyo ICC-0081, Sharp EL-808, Stokes TI-15, Elementary, Galactic 9x, Toshiba BC-815, BC-8112SL and HB-101 added.
TI-30 for the vision impaired people added: Schoenherr Braillotron.
Rare TI-500 discovered - first printing desktop - never mentioned by Texas Instruments.
TI-25 SOLAR, TI-30 (1st Italy design), TI-30 STAT, TI-36 eco RS, TI-57 LCD (USA), TI-58 Chrysler Credicavia, TI-58C PWA, TI-1500 Version 1, TI-1706 Version 2, TI-1744, TI-1760 DataCard, TI-1780, TI-1795A, TI-3510, TI-5048, TI-5135, Galaxy 9x (1st design), Galaxy 40, LOGpit (Renault), PC-100, Calculator Squares, Check Out, El Loro Profesor, Listen&Learn, Little Professor (1980), Magic Clown, Mouse Computer, Rechen Spiel and Spass mit Zahlen added.
Additional pictures: Battery Pack BP6SR-51A, Little Professor (1976) Little Professor (1978) Passport, Speak&Spell TI-40 Concept III TI-1030 BuddyTI-36X Solar.


Sep. 21, 2002

Datamath Commemorative Calculator added - we celebrate the 30th anniversary!

All Stokes overhead calculators moved to the Related_Album. Stokes Basic OHP added.
Hans Bloemen donated wonderful pictures of TI-1104, TI-2900 Info Bank, Corvus 415, Radio Shack EC-230, reactor TI-1250 and TI-1265, Toshiba LC-827, LC-1038MN, SLC-8262 and SLC-8310.
Peter Muckermann donated picture of the Longines TI-2500 (V2).
Rare Montgomery Ward TXI-8661A added. Corvus 310, 322, 400 and Magiclick 450 added.
TI-32 Solar, TI-57 LCD, TI-702 LOOK, TI-1766 (1st design), TI-1775Galaxy 9x and TI-2100 Pocket Info added.


Aug. 10, 2002

Undocumented SR-52 by Göran Larsson added.
Canon L1632, Radio Shack EC-496, EC-4007, navtronic 1701tr and Sharp EL-8102 added.
SR-51 (Version 1), TI-30 Challenger (1988), TI-30 Stat (1989), TI-40 Collčge, TI-503SV (2001), TI-1006, Personal Banker, Magic Sorter, PS-3010 and PS-5800 added.
Additional pictures: Canon Pocketronic, Hewlett-Packard HP-65, TI-30 LCD with fourth IC, TI-89, TI-1600, TI-1755.


Jul. 8, 2002

Sound added to the "Circuit-Bending".
Denis Fortin added BP1 Photoseries to "How to Repair a Battery Pack" and Pierre Leon followed with the  BP6 Photoseries. Thanks!
Stefan Klaes donated wonderful pictures of TI-501(1999), TI-506, TI-808, TI-1795, TI-5029, TI-5034 SV, TI-5038II, TI-5630, PS-5400, PS-6800, PS-6860Si and Mini Data Bank.
Joanne Hanson donated picture of the rare Jot-It. Thanks!
Dirk Bergmann compared the RFT MR 610 with the Toshiba SLC-8300.
Shinichiro Osaki donated picture of Toshiba BC-0801B and found a surprise like we did with the BC-0802.
Canon L121F, LC1014, F-2, F-7F-55S, Financial II and MD-8, Commodore N-60, MBO LC2014 WA, Melcor Model 380, National Semiconductor Datachecker 103A, Radio Shack statesman EC-264, SEC navtronic 16 and Toshiba BC-1015 added.
SR-10 V3, TI-25 Version 2, TI-30XA, TI-30Xa SE, TI-34 Version 4, TI-503SV (1999), TI-1706+, TI-5024, TI-5028, Ti-5150, TI-5155, TI-7140, BAII Plus (2000), Organizer, PocketMate 140, PS-9250, PS-9500 added. 
SN75493 added to IC-List.
Mystery symbol links to "How to Scan a Calculator" description.
Additional pictures: Prostar, SC-10 and EC-4025, SR-10, SR-11, SR-16, SR-20, SR-40, SR-50, SR-51-II, SR-56, TI-55TI-74STI-82, TI-1706, TI-1726, TI-1750-III, TI-1766, TI-1895, TI-2550, IS-8400.


May 18, 2002

Links to Andreas Tabak and Malcolm Talley added.
TI-59 celebrates the 25th anniversaryTI-58 Marine Navigation, TI-58 Victoria, SR-60 and SR-60A added. Additional pictures: SR-10, SR-16, SR-51, SR-52, TI-58C, TI-59 and TI-95.
Story "Calculator Wars" featuring ARISTO M27, M36, M75, Busicom Personal 60-DB, Faber-Castell TR1, TR2, TR3, TRX, Hewlett-Packard HP-35, HP-65, HP-67, HP-41CV added.
Dennis Belillo found a rare TI-1750 (1st design) and donated it the Datamath Calculator Museum. Andreas Tabak donated wonderful pictures of the rare TI-15, TI-18 SLR, TI-56 (1986), TI-57 II (1985) and TI-1766+. Thanks!
€-2000, TI-450, TI-503, TI-503SV, TI-1104, TI-1726, TI-1766 II, TI-5020, Paperless Printer, PS-3600, PS-6500, TI-2400 Phone Bank, MathsStar, Touch&Talkies added. Galaxy 9 updated. Overhead Calculator Scientific-30X added. Canon Palmtronic F-51 and F-71 added.
Additional pictures: TI-30 LCD with TP0455 calculating circuit, TI-108E.T. Calculator, E.T. Speak&Spell, Language Tutor, Language Translator, Language Teacher, Kosmos 1 and Sharp EL-8020.


Mar. 20, 2002

Rare Mariner NRC 7200, Sharp EL-8024 and TI-66 Calcu-Talk added. 
Canon LE-81 updated.
TI-34, TI-55 III (Taiwan), €-2003, La Musique Magique, Listen&Learn, Mickey Math Adventure, PC-200, PocketMate 120, PS-3000, Speak&Music (UK) and another LCD Watch added. 
Rare TI-30-II, TI-30 (1988), Dataman and Galaxy Junior updated.
Stories "Circuit-Bending" and "Inside a Speak&Spell" updated.
IC-List completed. Thanks Juergen.


Feb. 18, 2002

Calculator Related Patents added.
Rare Heathkit IC-2008 added. Thanks Bob !
Canon L800, Kosmos Astro, Kosmos 1 and Kosmos 2, navtronic 1701t, Novus 835, Privileg 820, Radio Shack EC-4002, Sharp  EL-8010, Tamaya NC-2 and NC-77 and Toshiba LC-825 added.
Listen & Learn added, TI-108 updated. Thanks Skot, thanks Joe.
€-1796, €-2002+, TI-1106, TI-1766 III, TI-1795SV, TI-5225 and TI-83 Plus added to calculator albums.
IS-8400, PocketMate 100, PS-2100 (opened), PS-2400, PS-3660i, PS-5600, PS-6200 (with Canon sibbling DM-4000), PS-6600 and RR-2 added to Personal Solutions.
Rare TI-88 updated.


Jan. 27, 2002

New Album "Pocket Solutions" added featuring Databanks, Organizers and much more.
E.T. - The Extra-Terrestrial“ story, "Circuit-Bending" and "Inside a Speak&Spell" added. 

Jan. 13, 2002

Calculators from the years 1981-1983 nearly completed: TI-2000 Time Manager, TI-1850 Visor Kit, TI-1880 Checkwriter, TI-1890 Converter Kit, TI-2200 Checkwriter  TI-5135, TI-5142 TI-501 TI-1754, TI-1756, TI-1788, TI-1788 II, TI-2001 GTI, TI-18, TI-1744, TI-1006, TI-1036, TI-1776, TI-1757 II, TI-5142 (2), TI-5130 (2), TI-5142 IIITI-5020, TI-5032, TI-1100, TI-1767, TI-1780, TI-1755 SLR
Canon F-6, F-11, Heathkit IC-2108 and Sperry-Remington Compact Printer added.
TI-20, TI-30X IIB, Galaxy 40, TI-1020, TI-1104, TI-5006 II, TI-5034, BA-II PLUS, BA-SOLAR (2), €-2004, Hot Calc, PC-100, PC-100A, PC-100B, PC-100C and Spelling ABC added.
Western Auto Citation (TI-1000)Citation (TI-1025), TI-1000 (gold), TI-1000 (silver), TI-1200, TI-1200 (silver), TI-1250, TI-1250 (silver) with new pictures updated.
Compucorp, Inventec, Nam Tai and Toshiba added to Featured companies.


Dec. 27, 2001

TI 58/59 Programming Guide by Christopher Westfall added.
How to Repair a Battery Pack and Calculator Integrated Circuits Forensics table added.
Story "Sharp Corporation’s Calculator Innovations" added. Features the CS-10A, CS-031A, CS-16, EL-8A, EL-805, EL-8020, EL-8026, EL-8130, EL-8152 and EL-900 models.
Story "How old is your Datamath Version 1" updated.
First preview of the 2002' TI-10.
Canon Checkbook, L100, L100S, SEC Navigator and Toshiba SLC-8300 added.
TI-30 (1986), TI-30 STAT (1988), TI-30 SLR+, TI-5032, TI-5038, TI-58 LVM, BA-20, TM 990/301, Ready...Set...Read !, Speak&Math (1986), Speak&Maths, Teddy Touch&Tell, Teddy, der sprechende Bär, Touch&Talkies added. 
Canon LE-82 and TI BA-III updated.


Dec. 11, 2001 Sound corrected.
Dec. 5, 2001

Alphabetical list of calculators completed ! More than 700 entries.
Canon F-31 and Sharp EL-8, EL-811 and QT-8D added. 
SR-56P, TI-1020, TI-1032, TI-1722+, (ClearCalc), TI-34 added.


Nov. 21, 2001

Sound added to the Speak&Spell compact. Thanks Dirk Bohlig. Speech-IC added. 

"The Story of the Datamath calculator" updated. Read more about Patrick E. Haggerty
, (Able, Able IV), TI-1103, TI-1105, TI-30 D and Speaking Orion TI-34 added.
SR-22, TI-35, TI-108, TI-1100 II, Spelling B updated.


Nov. 12, 2001

Story "How old is your Datamath Version 1" added.
Rare Heathkit OCW-1401 and the calculator line IC-2006, IC-2008, IC-2008A, IC-2009, IC-2108 and IC-2109 added. Canon Canola L813, Compucorp 324G, SEC Explorer and True Value T-1225 added.
First version of the TI-30-II, TI-30 SOLAR, variation of the TI-30 STAT, TI-1706 III and Italian made TI-30 Galaxy added.
Third version of the Speak&Spell added. SR-10TI-60X and Explorer Plus updated.


Oct. 27, 2001

Regency TR1 Transistor Radio added to the Datamath Story. Thanks Kirk !
Calculator Derived Products
added. Find the TI-71 clock, a late LCD-watch and three PLC programmers PM550-301, 5TI and Model 510.
Rare TI-58 based CAL-Q-TAX calculator, missing Concept I and Concept III added.
TI-610, TI-1104, TI-5220, TI-5660, Little Professor '82 (UK), Music Star added.
Canon Financial Manager, L100A, LC-8M, LC-32, Radio Shack EC-4042 and Western Auto M4993 added. TI-1205, TI-55-II, Little Professor '85 and rare Goulds Pumpulator updated.
MK5020 datasheet to the IC-List added.


Oct. 3, 2001

Link to Masaki Takada added. He donated wonderful pictures of the clear SR-50.
Wonderful BA SOLAR, TI-92, TI-5100 II, TI-7000 added. Toshiba LC-833WA added.
Language Teacher
, Language Translator and Language Tutor added. 


Sep. 28, 2001

Link to Rolf Jonkers and Sipke de Wal added. Link to Bill Wood corrected. Description of rare TI-1205 corrected.
Comparision Table (1995) of TI school calculators added. BA Real Estate, TI-35 SOLAR, TI-35X (1991), TI-36X SOLAR (1993), TI-503+, TI-508, TI-1795+ added. TI-30 clone Amelia Scientific 2001, rare Canon F-5, third version of the Western Auto M4986 and Overhead Calculator Galactic 40SX added.
Voyager cartridges added. Barbie calculator based on the TI-1200 added.


Sep. 12, 2001

First TI-30 LCD and TI-30Xa SE to the TI-30 Story added. 
Bossard TI-58, La Dictée Magique, le Calcul magique, second version of the Little Professor (1978), Maths marvel, Speak&Spell Compact, Speak&Write added. Canon LE-80 and LE-80M added.
Date and manufacturer codes continued.


Jul. 8, 2001

Rare Speak&Learn Magic Wand and Listen&Learn, Magic Reading Desk, Peek-A-Boo Zoo, Original Speak&Read, Tipp&Sprich to Speech Album added.
Predecessor of the rare Wiz-A-Tron found. View the MathMagic.


Jul. 7, 2001

Link to Ernst Mulder added. Hans Bloemen donated picture of the rare reactor TI-1250.
SR-56 Programmable, TI-30 (1986), TI-35X, TI-108, TI-501, TI-701 (LOOK), TI-1200, TI-1250 variations, BA-20, Creeks N' Creeks (black), €-2000 added. 
Date and manufacturer codes completed and TMS0123 datasheet to the IC-List added. DC9105 to the AC-adapters added.


Jun. 25, 2001

Real pictures from TI-25X Solar, TI-30X, TI-30Xa Solar added. €-2000+, €-2001, TI-31, TI-106, TI-307+, TI-507+  added.  Radio Shack EC-430 and second Monkey See added.


Jun. 15, 2001

Small corrections in the TI-30 Story. Thanks to Bo Kristofferson and Frank Boehm.


Jun. 13, 2001

TI-30 celebrates the 25th anniversary


Jun. 6, 2001

Thomas Brockmeier donated some pictures of the rare TI-150. Joăo Oliveira donated some pictures: TI-1104, TI-2200 II and rare Western Auto Citation. Canon Checkbook III, Olivetti Chequebook and RFT MR4110 added.


Jun. 5, 2001

Scientific Album reorganized. Graphing and Symbolic calculators included TI-73, TI-82, TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-83 Plus S.E., TI-86, TI-89, TI-92, TI-92 II, TI-92 Plus. TI-30 line added: TI-25X Solar, TI-30S, TI-30 Solar, TI-30X, TI-30X Solar, TI-30Xa, TI-30Xa Solar, TI-30Xa SE, TI-34, TI-35X, TI-36X SolarTI-30 eco RS, TI-36 eco RS, TI-30X IIB, TI-30X IIS, TI-34 II, TI-36X II, TI-40 College II. BA-35 Solar, BA Real Estate and new BA-II Plus added.


Jun. 4, 2001

First OFF-ROAD experience in the About ME section added. Bowmar 901B (a real one) added. RFT minirex 73 and minirex 74 added. TI-15 Explorer, TI-40 Solar, Galaxy 40sx, TI-82, TI-502, TI-507, TI-608, TI-620, TI-1010, TI-1015, TI-1104, TI-1505, TI-1788 III, TI-1800TI-2200+, TI-5018, TI-5128, Creeks N' Creeks (silver), Europa 10, MathExplorer (China), Programmer II, TI-7 MathMate.


May 22, 2001

Toshiba included: Calculator chips, Toshiba vs. Texas Instruments. Gerhard Wenzel donated some pictures: LC-834, LC-844, SLC-8410 and HB-103.


May 18, 2001

Link to Shinichiro Osaki added. Michael Becker donated rare TI-55-II version. Bowmar 901D, Canon LE-81, LE-81M, LE-83, LE-84, LE-100, Casio mini-printer, Conic EL-601, MBO Junior, KIT calculator Mini-73, Monroe 10 alias Canon Pocketronic, Privileg 842M, Santron 400 and Mathix 400A added.  Goulds Pumpulator corrected. Texas Instrumemts  BA-II PLUS, BS II, FIS Fixed Income Securities, Micky Mouse, Touch&Talkie added.


 Apr. 23, 2001

Link to Jean-Francois Laroche added. Bohsei 3000, Canon LE-80R, Craig 4501, National Semiconductor NS835A and QuizKid, Radio Shack Monkey See, Western Auto M4986 added.
TI-32 Explorer Plus, Math Explorer, TI-35 SLR, TI-36 Solar, TI-36X Solar, Words...ToGo!, Professor ABC added. AC-9175 Charger added.


Mar. 23, 2001

Little Professor (19XX) added. Bowmar MX-55, RFT MR411, minirex 75 and Radio Shack EC-5100 added. Printed Circuit Board of CC-40 and TI-74 added. 


Mar. 16, 2001

Pictures of TI-15 and TI-18 added. Basic LCD calculators added in three sections: 1982-1984, 1985-1987 and 1988-1990. TI-88 enhanced. CC-40, LETTERlogic added. Display SP-352 and SP-353 added, more will follow.


Mar. 2, 2001

Story about the TMS1000 microcontroller family and the related calculator chips included. Display drivers IC data sheets added.  


Feb. 25, 2001

X-Ray pictures of some calculators included. Link to Nance L.Briscoe added. Jeppesen prostar and Techstar added. TI-40, UMSC Harrier, Math Explorer and Nuance added. Rough info of TI-5310 added.


Feb. 15, 2001

Nance L. Briscoe donated some pictures: Minimath, white Datamath pre-series and TI-1205 added. First batch of IC data sheets added and links from the calculators and the IC-List added. Differenced on TI-1200 found.  Wiz-A-Tron, TI-62 Galaxy added.


Feb. 5, 2001

Andreas Krause donated some pictures: TI-2150, Galaxy 10, TI-30 STAT variation, TI-31 SLR, TI-60X and Speaking Buddy added. TI-80 added. Alphabetical search updated - now more than 330 calculators ! Link to Serge Devidts updated.


Feb. 1, 2001

RFT MR413 added. Computer Fun, Little Maestro, Lesefreund, My Little Computer, Super Speak&Read, Touch&Discover, Touch&Tell, Vocaid, Voyager added.


Jan. 28, 2001

Warning added ! Canon LE-10 added.


Jan. 22, 2001

Decipher the Datecode added. TI-30 Challenger, TI-30 SLR+, TI-30 STAT, TI-31 Solar, TI-32, TI-34, TI-38, TI-52, TI-68 Version 2, TI-81, TI-85, Galaxy Junior, Galaxy 9, Galaxy 9x, Galaxy 40x, Galaxy 67, Solar Little Professor, Professor Time, Super Speak&Spell (91) added. Radio Shack EC-4025 added.


Jan 7, 2001

Alphabetical search completed ! Radio Shack EC-300, EC-4000 added, Jeppesen Sanderson rearranged.


Dec. 22, 2000

List of known Calculator Integrated Circuits in Technical section added.  Story Datamath Version 1 goes Europe added.


Dec. 21, 2000

TI-1070, Jeppesen avstar 1986, TI-21, TI-30 w/o chrome, TI-35 PLUS (black)TI-68, TI-30 Galaxy SLR, Little Professor '82 , FIA-10, Business Edge, BA-II PLUS, TI-74, TI-74S, TI-95, PC-324, Radio Shack EC-4044, EC-5500 added. 


Dec. 18, 2000

TI-1750-II, Montgomery Ward P8P, TI-58 Agrippina added. 


Dec. 8, 2000

License agreement between Texas Instruments and the Museum included. Display technology included. Goulds Pumpulator, Exactra 31 added.


Nov. 26, 2000 The Story of the Datamath" added. Jeppensen avstar, Columbia Scientific, SR-22, TI-54, Montgomery Ward P300 added. Link to Mark Bollman added.
Nov. 16, 2000

Original Speak&Spell, TI-5050M added. Some additions on Radio Shack EC-200 and scientific calculators in alphabetical search. 


Nov. 12, 2000

First row MODERN SCIENTIFIC LCD's and SC-10 added. TI-2500 V1, TI-5112 and row LATER HANDHELD PRINTING added. Super Speak&Math, Touch&Talkies and Time...To Go! added. Some spelling corrections done. Upper left DATAMATH-Icon works now as a navigation-button.


Nov. 3, 2000

First two rows of BASIC LCD's added. Canon Pocketronic added, thanks to Peter Muckermann!


Oct. 26, 2000

Official release, alphabetical search and Basic LCD's still missing.


Oct. 1, 2000

First "Unofficial" release presented to some collectors.


Date Major issue


horizontal rule

If you have additions to the above article please email:

© Joerg Woerner, 2000 - 2025. No reprints without written permission.